Asian studies in Lithuania

South and South East Asia

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Tiger is Not a Cat

Authors: Kulvelis - Šimkevičiūtė, Eglė
Published on: 2019
Publisher: Balto

In her debut book ’’Tiger is Not a Cat’’, theater director Eglė Šimkevičiūtė – Kulvelis shares her acquaintance with Vietnam and Thailand. The author and her husband, who first traveled to Southeast Asia almost a decade ago, had been hoping for this adventure to last for one year. However, a travel-infected couple who have explored the region in its entirety and are currently living in New Zealand are planning their next adventure. More

The Clash Between Chine, India and Russia in Eurasia’s Civilizational Spaces

Authors: Andrijauskas, Konstantinas
Published on: 2016
Publisher: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla

In this book there is complexly described about three Eurasian greatest countries – China’s, India’s and Russia’s – regional level in foreign and inside policy. This book let’s us talk about a geopolitically exclusive strategic triangle which has influence in a two-way mutual relationship and global policy. The order of these three greatest Eurasia’s countries is not random, because China, India and Russia during the researching period of time (In the past sixteen years of 21st More

Vietnam. Singapore. Bali. Magical South East Asia

Authors: Domkuvienė, Violeta
Published on: 2015
Publisher: Obuolys

This book gives perfect opportunities to plunge into three magic countries of Southeastern Asia. The author describes three countries figuratively and in a defiantly way, which she has visited. It is Vietnam, Singapore and the island of Bali. The author of the book shortly tells the   history , customs and traditions of the visited countries, which can give the reader a shock, and also describes her own adventures in the visited countries, a few of which are funny  and some of which will … More

Six Years in Saigon

Authors: Delattre-Lefebvre-Vilimaitė, Vita
Published on: 2015
Publisher: Alma Littera

After hearing an offer to live a year  in Saigon, journalist Vita Vilimaitė Lefebvre Delattre didn not waver: she always wanted to return to Asia, because she felt that there she will find her fate. But is the Saigon of 2006 really the place of her dream?

Just like all other people who wrote about their memories, adventures and events in Asia – the author reviels a rather dualistic world. To us, westerners, hearing the word Asia, whether we like it or not, brings thoughts of stereotypes like: Taj Mahal, The Great Wall of China, odd dishes and so on. But these are the thoughts of an unexperienced person. There is a completely diffent, deeper world underneath our ameteuristic glance. That is exactly what is emphasized in “Šešeri metai Saigone“ (Six years in Saigon). While drawing a picture of uknown Vietnam to a westerner, the author binds every drawn line with her own experienced events, feelings, thoughts. In this book one will find how stereotypes are “broken“ and confirmed. However, the most fascinating aspect of this book is the author‘s ability to put the reader of this book into her place. To make one feel enstranged in a different culture. To feel lonely and showered in often not required attention because of being  a “white“ person with light eyes. More

To Asia with Love

Authors: Štaraitė, Gabrielė
Published on: 2015
Publisher: Alma Literra

The book travels around four full of wonders and paradoxes Asian countries – Burma, India, Indonesia and Vietnam. The book tells the story about each of these countries, their traditions, culture, history and local people. The book vividly tell the story about cities, villages, temples and architectural wonders. In the book you can read about various adventures, some good moments and some stories about uncomfortable events. The author very well provide each of the countries, advises what to see, what to avoid and how to get to know these extraordinary cultures. The author paints a picture of the country she visited and highlight several key stages of the development of the state. In the book the author tells the story about every country history, cities, statistic and myths. After reading this book, you get to know every country and you can easily see each other\’s differences. More

Alone in India

Authors: Rykštaitė, Vaiva
Published on: 2014
Publisher: Baltos lankos

The author tells about her own experiences while travelling in India. However, it is not a tourist guide book, which is why there are no picturesque routes or references to comfortable and popular hotels. She narrates without glamor and idealization – whether it is the places she visited or the people and their relations. And in her trip there were many various meetings, starting the ones with the westerners, who were searching for the enlightment in India, or just were in love with the country, and finishing with meetings with the locals with all their complex rituals, traditions, and subtleties of interaction. More

Exclusive journeys: China, Tibet, Myanmar, Nepal

Authors: Rute, Ieva
Published on: 2014
Publisher: Aukso pieva

Ievos Rutes book can be considered as responsible travelling and astonishing travelling routes guide. As it can be guessed from the name of the book author talks about sightseeing in China, Tibet, Mianmar and Nepal. As we all know these exotic countries have a lot to offer in many different aspects such as culture, architecture, art. As author herself says: “I never go on a trip without my camera equipment” and that is why this book attracts even more attention with all the amazing photographies it has from the smallest temples to worlds highest mountains. That is why after reading this book the desire to travel is over the top. More

To Bangkok in 40 Days

Authors: Paukštys, Saulius
Published on: 2014
Publisher: Tyto alba

“Į Bankoką per 40 dienų”, the book written by Photo-artist Saulius Paukštys, describes a breathtaking story and memories. The journey was organized in order to commemorate the eightieth anniversary of the fearless Transatlantic flight of two legendary Lithuanian pilots – Steponas Darius and Stasys Girėnas. During the trek lasting for almost two months, the distance exceeding fourteen thousand kilometers was covered by two motorcyclists accompanied by their two friends driving cars. A variety of roads and paths, from coasting on asphalt roads to adventures off the beaten track, nearly everything was tried out on their way to Thailand crossing Latvia, Russia, Kazakhstan and Laos. More

Asia without borders

Authors: Mačiulevičius, Paulius, Tilmantaitė, Berta, Jančiauskas, Andrius
Published on: (Lietuvių) 2013
Publisher: (Lietuvių) Obuolys

Pack your rucksack, quit your job, leave your family and friends for who knows how long and buy one way ticket to a place, you have never been to. Sounds hard isn‘t it? However, three travelers from Lithuania: journalist Paulius Mačiulevičius, photographer Berta Tilmantaitė and psychologist Andrius Jančiauskas proves that there are no limits and everything is possible. Three authors’ book “Asia without borders” retold seven month long trip through ten Asian countries. With the idea “The globe is friendly” travelers decide to meet such a chaotic and in the same time very colourful Asian culture. More

Per pietinę Indiją, nuo Kabulo iki Stambulo

Authors: Poška, Antanas
Published on: 2012
Publisher: Vilko takas

Antano Poškos „Nuo Baltijos iki Bengalijos” aštuntas tomas užbaigia knygų seriją, kurios išleidimą buvo sumanęs pats autorius, kai sugrįžo iš kelionės po Europą, Afriką, Aziją ir 1939 metais išspausdino pirmąjį tomą. Deja, II pasaulinis karas ir jo sukeltos sumaištys sutrukdė išsipildyti legendinio XX amžiaus lietuvių keliautojo svajonei.  More

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Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU