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Why did the Jews of Vilnius never again elected a Chief Rabbi?renginys

Date and time: 2021-12-02 18:00 - 2021-12-02 19:30
Location: Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus, Arsenalo g.3, Vilnius
In 1750 young Shmuel Ben Avigdor Wigderowicz with great financial support from his family family became the chief rabbi of Vilnius and held this position for about twenty-five years. He found himself in the epicenter of the scandal which also involved the 18th century Vilnius Jewish Communities, state influencers – the Vilnius voivodeship and the bishop of Vilnius. They supported different parties to the conflict. What is this story about? What happened in the end of 18th century Vilnius? Why did the Vilnius Jewish community want to overthrow its chief rabbi? What arguments and counter-arguments were used by the conflicting parties? How did this conflict end – you read in the title of the lecture… More…
Superlative artistry of Japanrenginys

Date and time: 2021-10-25 15:00 - 2021-12-23 17:00
Location: Prano Domšaičio galerija, Liepų g. 33, Klaipėda
The exhibition “Superlative artistry of Japan” is being exhibited in various countries since 2017 and now reached Klaipėda.
This exclusive exhibition introduces a cohesive collection of 38 works, made up of a variety of works of different genres, each reflecting advanced Japanese technology, inventive self-expression and ideas, and surprises viewers with a high-level of mastery. The exhibition presents both the intricate works of art from the Meiji period (1868 – 1912, when the country opened up to the World) that influenced oriental fashion in Europe, as well as many contemporary examples of extraordinary craftsmanship, from ceramics, textiles, graphics, photography More…
Tales of Kaunas nations. Jewish Talerenginys

Date and time: 2021-10-26 10:00 - 2021-10-26 10:45
Location: Kauno įvairių tautų kultūrų centras, Šv. Gertrūdos g. 58
On October 26th 2021, Press “Debesų ganyklos” together with “Kaunas 2020” invites to the reading of Jewish tale for kids (Yiddish and Lithuanian). The event is going to take place at Kaunas various cultures center (Šv. Gerstr8dos st. 58).
Project “Tales of Kaunas nations” is an innovative, multilingual cycle of events with the main goal – to establish an image of Kaunas and Kaunas county as region which is open to various cultures and nations, though the most sensitive group of society – 7-12 years old kids. More…
Can You Escape form the Destiny? Confucian ming 命 Concept and Life in the Face of Inevitablerenginys

Date and time: 2021-10-27 15:00 - 2021-10-27 16:30
Location: Zoom platforma
One of the most important traditional Chinese terms ming 命 is often explained and translated as “destiny”. In this discussion, first of all we will look at how term “destiny” is perceived by contemporary Western studies of philosophy, psychology, anthropology. Then we will provide an explanation of term ming 命 which can be found in classical Confucian writings.
Registration is required: https://liedm.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwudOCrrTMtHdTcmT-FBQVBFFgpKwDs1bWo?
More about event in Lithuanian.
Series of events “Comfort Women”: past, present and challenges of reconciliationrenginys

Date and time: 2021-10-22 14:30 - 2021-11-05 14:30
Location: VDU Azijos studijų centras, V. Putvinskio g. 23, Kaunas
VMU Center for Asian Studies invites to a series of events dedicated to the memory of “comfort women”. The problem of “comfort women” remains relevant to this day and affects international relations in East Asia. Japan views this question as resolved, meanwhile South Korea is seeking redress and a formal apology from Japan. We would like to invite you to broaden your horizons on this topic and join the discussion by participating in a series of three events on three Fridays: October 22nd, 29th and November 5th. More…
ROK Ambassador H.E. Ms. Mira Sun lecture “Korean Soft Power”renginys

Date and time: 2021-10-20 09:00 - 2021-10-20 10:00
Location: I-414 a., Mykolo Romerio universitetas, Ateities 20, Vilnius; Zoom platforma
Mykolas Romeris University invites for the lecture given by the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea H.E. Ms. Mira Sun „Korean Soft Power“. The lecture will be read on 20 October, 2021, 9 AM, at Room I-414 MRU, Ateities 20, Vilnius. The lecture will be read as part of events dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between the Republic of Lithuania and the Republic of Korea. The lecture will be accessible online at the address: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2132395229. More…
Presentation of Comic Book “First Lithuanians in India”renginys

Date and time: 2021-10-18 18:00 - 2021-10-18 19:30
Location: Lietuvos nacionalinė Martyno Mažvydo biblioteka, Renginių erdvė, III a., Gedimino pr. 51, Vilnius
On October 18tn, 2021 comic book “First Lithuanians in India” presentation is going to take place at Lithuanian National Martynas Mažvydas Library.
We all know that Lithuania and India are tied by the similarities between Lithuanian and Sanskrit languages. But, did you know that during the last 400 years these countries were united by travels and adventures? People from our country, not scared by storms and dangers, led by great ideas and kind wishes traveled to India via trains or motorbikes. All these persons became characters in the comic book “First Lithuanians in India”. In this book you will learn about six traveler’s stories, it will not only remind how small Lithuania is, but also how broad and global are our historical ties, and inspire to learn more about other countries and continents. More…
Kendo Kyu Tournament and Attestationrenginys

Date and time: 2021-10-21 8:00 - 2021-10-21 21:00
Location: Kendo klubas Geležinis Vilkas, Smolensko g.2, Vilnius
On October 21st, 2021 Lithuanian Kendo Association and Kendo Club Geležinis Vilkas invites to register to tournament and attestation.
You can register until October 18, by filling the registration form. More information about the even in Lithuanian.
Public lecture: Love and Lust in Tang Xianzu and Shakespearerenginys

Date and time: 2021-10-15 15:00 - 2021-10-15 16:30
Location: Zoom platforma
Tang Xianzu (1564-1616), known as “China’s Shakespeare”, created several dramatic masterpieces, which have been continually studied and performed in various parts of the world. Tang Xianzu and Shakespeare treat the universal motifs – love and lust (incest, zoophilia and greed for power) – in their plays, but represent these motifs in different ways. This talk discusses the disparities between the two playwrights at this point against their cultural backgrounds.
Our honorable lecturer – Dr. Chen Maoqing, Professor of Drama, the Department of English, Foreign Languages More…
Fourth Japanese language speech contestrenginys

Date and time: 2021-11-13 9:00 - 2021-11-13 12:00
Location: Online
Komaru Transportation Company together with Hiroshima University Lithuanian Center and Vytautas Magnus University Centre for Asian Studies as well as Japanology club “Hashi” is organizing Fourth Japanese Language Speech Contest. Competition is intended for pupils and students who study Japanese language in Lithuania. Organizers of the competition aim to strengthen bilateral Lithuania-Japan relations and mutual understanding. This year’s topic invites to raise awareness about road traffic safety. More…
Translation of novel "The Night Tiger" by Yangzse Choo"versta-literatura

“The Night Tiger” is a work of historical fiction, which is full of elements of fantasy and magic, a story shrouded in mystery and intrigue, which tells about trustworthiness, righteousness, wisdom, benevolence and propriety. These five virtues of Confucianism intertwine with the destinies of the people and cause considerable confusion in the quiet lives of the book characters.
The clever and enchanting protagonist Ji Lin works as a tailor because in the 1930s in colonial Malaysia women did not have much chance of reaching great career heights. The young girl has a secret – she works in the dance hall in the More…
Liu Cixin Book Translated into Lithuanianversta-literatura

The Three-Body Problem is the first book of a three-part science fiction series “Remembrance of Earth’s Past” about human encounters with another civilization and the dilemma of whether it means the salvation or destruction of the Earth.
The novel takes place in China in 1967, during the Cultural Revolution. The book describes the horoble reality of the regime, which destroyed the lives of many, and even killed some. In fact, it is even hard to believe that a book showing the shortcomings of the regime was allowed to be published, knowing what a strong censorship there exists. However, it might not have been the case if the author had not “hidden” those particular scenes in the Chinese version. Although the novel More…
Yoko Ogawa's Novel Publsihed in Lithuaniaversta-literatura

“The housekeeper and the professor” is a Japanese author‘s Yoko Ogawa book about friendship which could be seen as impossible from a first glance. This story draws the reader in with its heart-warming storyline, lovable characters and uncomplicated, but interesting storyline. Also, it reveals the beauty and magic of the science of mathematics.
The novel tells a story about a housekeeper, her ten-year old son and a professor who used to be a math professor. The housekeeper has received an offer to work at the professor‘s house. When she was hired, the agency of housekeepers noted her that this client is different from others. The nine housekeepers that used to work there have More…
Published Translation of Min Jin Lee Novelversta-literatura

“Pachinko” – is a three-part novel about several generations of one family. The author, a famous South Korean novelist, tells an intriguing story about lives of Korean people during a difficult period – from Japanese occupation (in the year of 1910) until the end of 20th century.
The story starts in a fisherman-village Yeongdo near the Busan city. One of the main characters Yang Jin gives birth to a More…
New Book about Travels in Vietnam and Thailandknyga

In her debut book ’’Tiger is Not a Cat’’, theater director Eglė Šimkevičiūtė – Kulvelis shares her acquaintance with Vietnam and Thailand. The author and her husband, who first traveled to Southeast Asia almost a decade ago, had been hoping for this adventure to last for one year. However, a travel-infected couple who have explored the region in its entirety and are currently living in New Zealand are planning their next adventure. More…