Date and time:
2021-10-15 15:00 - 2021-10-15 16:30
Zoom platforma
Tang Xianzu (1564-1616), known as “China’s Shakespeare”, created several dramatic masterpieces, which have been continually studied and performed in various parts of the world. Tang Xianzu and Shakespeare treat the universal motifs – love and lust (incest, zoophilia and greed for power) – in their plays, but represent these motifs in different ways. This talk discusses the disparities between the two playwrights at this point against their cultural backgrounds.
Our honorable lecturer – Dr. Chen Maoqing, Professor of Drama, the Department of English, Foreign Languages College, East China Normal University. He did research as a Fulbright visiting scholar at the University of California at Irvine (2013-14) and worked as Chinese Director at the former Confucius Institute at the University of Oregon in the U. S. (2016-19). He is the author of two monographs: Dream in Drama: A Comparative Study of Tang Xianzu and William Shakespeare (Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2008) and The Dissemination and Reception of Chinese Opera in Hawaii (Beijing: China Theatre Press, 2021). He has published dozens of papers, including “Incest, Zoophilia and Lust for Power in Tang Xianzu and Shakespeare” in Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas (A&HCI, published by Johns Hopkins University and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Vol. 14, No. 2, June 2016).
The lecture will be held in English on Zoom platform.
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Time: Oct 15, 2021 03:00 PM Helsinki
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