Date and time:
2021-10-18 18:00 - 2021-10-18 19:30
Lietuvos nacionalinė Martyno Mažvydo biblioteka, Renginių erdvė, III a., Gedimino pr. 51, Vilnius
On October 18tn, 2021 comic book “First Lithuanians in India” presentation is going to take place at Lithuanian National Martynas Mažvydas Library.
We all know that Lithuania and India are tied by the similarities between Lithuanian and Sanskrit languages. But, did you know that during the last 400 years these countries were united by travels and adventures? People from our country, not scared by storms and dangers, led by great ideas and kind wishes traveled to India via trains or motorbikes. All these persons became characters in the comic book “First Lithuanians in India”. In this book you will learn about six traveler’s stories, it will not only remind how small Lithuania is, but also how broad and global are our historical ties, and inspire to learn more about other countries and continents.
More about even in Lithuanian.
Web link: https://www.lnb.lt/renginiai/7669-komiksu-knygeles-pirmieji-lietuviai-indijoje-pristatymas