Asian studies in Lithuania
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No Mud, No Lotus: The Art of Transforming Suffering

Authors: TNhất Hạnh, Thích
Translated by: Grenda, Vytautas
Translated from: English
Published on: 2014

Thích Nhất Hạnh- one of the most famous Zen Buddhism teachers, states that, “Most people are afraid of suffering. But suffering is a kind of mud to help the lotus flower of happiness grow. There can be no lotus flower without the mud“. His books are highly valued and often read of people from all over the world. New this writer work \”No Mud, No Lotus: The Art of Transforming Suffering“ will motivate and inspires, helps readers understand their suffering and to learn to live with it. … More

Peace Is Every Step

Authors: Nhat Hanh, Thích
Translated by: Dagys, Saulius
Translated from: English
Published on: 2014

“Peace is every step” is a book about human’s life and individual improvement, following the Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh’s philosophy. Components of the book are quite similar to the reader’s life – it is filled with ups, downs and musings, while every chapter’s title touches yet another part of human’s daily routine. In his book Thich Nhat Hanh teaches how to slow down, relax and just breathe in our society, which is filled with stress, quick lifestyle and chaos. More

After the Quake

Authors: Murakami, Haruki
Translated by: Jurgita Polonskaitė
Translated from: Japanese
Published on: 2013

In 1995 Japan suffered two huge disasters. On January 17 the Great Hanshin earthquake, also known as the Kobe, hit Japan. The earthquake was put in the Guinness Book of World Records, as the “costliest natural disaster to befall any one country”. During it 6434 people died. On March 20, toxic nerve gas was released  in the Tokyo subway system, killing 13 and injuring thousands of people. These catastrophes shocked not only the public life of the country but also left a deep scar in the subconsciousness of Land of the Rising Sun‘s residents. It touched even those who were far away from where the events took place. More

The Buddha in the Attic

Authors: Otsuka, Julie
Translated by: Ferdmanaitė, Emilija
Translated from: English
Published on: 2013

“The Buddha in the Attic“ – is a novel written by Japanese American author Julie Otsuka in 2011.  It is her second book where readers are introduced with Japanese people , who left their motherland after the war to overseas countries, life stories.  Life of Picture Braids is a main story in this book.  This term refers to the marriage practice in the early 20th century of immigrant workers in United States selecting brides from their homeland. Parents sells or gives away their young daughters believing that marrying a rich and handsome man introduced just from the picture, they will live a better life than in Japan. More

The Analects

Authors: Confucius
Translated by: Mažeikaitė, Zita
Translated from: German
Published on: 2013

“The Analects” by Confucius – intellectual work that holds examples of Chinese culture and nation worldview. They are put into philosophical reflection of life. The book is mainly focused on ideology of Confucius and its teaching. As shown at the introduction of the “The Analects”, \” <…> orientation on human senses, the importance of ritual significance, purpose pursuit, the importance of collective responsibility, <…>\” and the other Confucian philosophy principles that had a huge influence in China achievements and development of East Asian countries. More

Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind

Authors: Suzuki, Shunryu
Translated by: Vitkūnas, Jonas, Rondomanskis, Andrius
Translated from: English
Published on: 2013

“Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind” is a book in which Zen teacher Shunryu Suzuki reveals Zen simply and shows that it’s enough to have the mindset of a beginner to get to know Zen. In this book written informal teacher’s conversations with students will help to better understand true Zen life as well as encourage reader himself try to achieve his Zen mind.

Shunryu Suzuki (1905-1971) is a tradition successor of famous XIII century Zen Teacher Dogen. More

Peach Blossom Pavilion

Authors: Mingmei Yip
Translated by: Vytautas Petrukaitis
Translated from: English
Published on: 2012

“Peach Blossom Pavilion” is a novel about a Chinese girl who unexpectedly lost her both parents. The only chance to survive is to lean on her deceivingly looking aunt and her husband. The story starts when the heroine’s, Siang Siang, father is falsely accused of a crime he didn’t commit and executed without any mercy. For the rest of the family such a dishonor was worse than any kind of death penalty. After this incident, mother of the family is banished to a Buddhist nunnery, while the only child Siang Siang with the unbidden help of her aunt without even realizing it starts living in an elite house of prostitution. More

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running

Authors: Murakami, Haruki
Translated by: Polonskaitė, Jurgita
Translated from: Japanese
Published on: 2012

“What I Talk About When I Talk About Running” is a book by Haruki Murakami which could be called sportsman’s diary, memoirs or autobiography of an athlete. This writer started his running career in early 1980‘s and participated in more than twenty marathons as well as in ultra-marathon. In this book he reveals his as runners‘ and triathletes‘ experience and he talks about workouts which are inherent from his writing career. As a consequence, the bohemian image of writers is being denied. It is because writing requires same amount of efforts as running. That is why writers are not swimming in the sea of alcohol and cigarette smoke. He also talks about daily workouts and preparations for races held in Tokyo, New York, Massachusetts, Hawaii. More

K: the Art of Love

Authors: Hong Ying
Translated by: Vaskelaitė, Ramunė
Translated from: English
Published on: 2012

“K: the art of love” is a romantic and a bit sad novel about love between married Chinese woman and young Englishman. Julian Bell – young intellectual comes to china to teach English. He collects women: for every lover he gives a letter from the alphabet. In China Julian meets Lin Cheng – dean’s Cheng wife. Lin becomes the lover of a young Englishman and he notes her as letter K, but this time it’s not just a letter or one-time adventure – it’s love. It seems all very nice, love links these two people, but life is not as easy as one would like. Lin is married and Julian perhaps realizes too late that love should be cherished. Even when he loves Lin so much, he looks to her and all Chinese people like a racist. More

Užupis Republic

Authors: Hailji (Rim Jong Joo)
Translated by: Šiaučiūnas-Kačinskas, Martynas
Translated from: Korean
Published on: 2012

Hailji Užupis Republic, it is a novel about Korean Hal, who came to an  uknown country determined to do everything to find the Republic of Užupis. At the beginning Hal comes to the Vilnius airport where he notices a beautiful young  blonde girl – Jorgita. The trip begins by coming to Užupis hotel, where the Korean is greeted by friendly Lithuanian people.As the most important thing to Hal is to find the Užupis Republic, the guy is attempted to ask everyone what they know about it.  More

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Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU