Asian studies in Lithuania
Original language: English
Translated from: English
Authors: Suzuki, Shunryu
Translated by: Vitkūnas, Jonas, Rondomanskis, Andrius
Full translated source bibliographical description:

Shunryu Suzuki. Zen Mind, Begginer's Mind, 2013

ISBN: 978-609-8050-68-4
Published in: Kaunas
Published on: 2013
Publisher: Mijalba

“Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind” is a book in which Zen teacher Shunryu Suzuki reveals Zen simply and shows that it’s enough to have the mindset of a beginner to get to know Zen. In this book written informal teacher’s conversations with students will help to better understand true Zen life as well as encourage reader himself try to achieve his Zen mind.

Shunryu Suzuki (1905-1971) is a tradition successor of famous XIII century Zen Teacher Dogen. After getting recognized as great teacher in Japan Suzuki moves to United States of America. Here he receives citizens’, interested in Zen’s path, attention. Soon not only does Suzuki become most influential teacher but also a founder of first monastery in foreign country. Great Zen teacher dies one year after his book get published. His successor Richard Baker proceeds his Suzuki teacher work.

Shunryu Suzuki systemizes  Zen self-development, so it would be easy to understand for beginner’s mind. The first chapter of the book “proper practice” reveals Zen poses like Lotus, proper breathing, bowing, absence of duality meaning and importance in Zen practice. The Second chapter “proper mind” is teaching main provisions, like getting to know one’s self, consistency, “the polishing of the shell of a turtle”, what kind of effort is required to be put in, how to walk straight path, how to experience Nirvana and what typical mistakes of Zen enthusiasts must be avoided. The last chapter “proper knowing” introduces to Zen world view, the spirit of Zen, Buddha enlightenment, understanding to Zen life specific emptiness, temporality, compsure and naturalness.

‘World is magical itself’ – once said Zen teacher. In this book Suzaki specifically sympathize with simplicity, that’s why the book itself is simple and easy to read. Clearly understandable examples well illustrates Zen life and lets quickly understand what person has to do in order to be successful in Zen path. This book is perfect for Zen enthusiasts, searching for an easy guide, which would help aquire Zen lifestyle, and for those who doesn’t know what Zen is, but wants to introduce themselves as well as broaden their mind.

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU