Asian studies in Lithuania

Translated literature

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Authors: Yoshimoto, Banana
Translated by: Baronina, Indrė
Translated from: Japanese
Published on: 2014

Banana Yoshimoto (the real name- Mahoko Yoshimoto) – japanese writer, born in 1964 in Tokyo. Rased in a family of writers, Yoshimoto says, that started writing being 5 year-old. Her debut novel „Kitchen“ got three awards at once: „Kaien“ magazine premium for best debut at 1987, Kyoka Izumi literature premium in January 1988, and recomendation award of the minestry of education in august 1988. It is the most popular writer’s novel nowdays and is translated to lots of languages is on sale in more than 20 world countries. More

No Mud, No Lotus: The Art of Transforming Suffering

Authors: TNhất Hạnh, Thích
Translated by: Grenda, Vytautas
Translated from: English
Published on: 2014

Thích Nhất Hạnh- one of the most famous Zen Buddhism teachers, states that, “Most people are afraid of suffering. But suffering is a kind of mud to help the lotus flower of happiness grow. There can be no lotus flower without the mud“. His books are highly valued and often read of people from all over the world. New this writer work \”No Mud, No Lotus: The Art of Transforming Suffering“ will motivate and inspires, helps readers understand their suffering and to learn to live with it. … More

I am Malala

Authors: Lamb, Christina, Yousafzai, Malala
Translated by: Virbickienė, Gabrielė
Translated from: English
Published on: 2014

“I am Malala” is a book about young brave girl Malala Yousafzai, who fights with women discrimination in Pakistan and all around the world. When Taliban took control of the Swat Valley one girl spoke out. Malala Yousafzai refused to be silenced and fought for her right to an education. More

The Tibetan Book of the Dead

Translated by: Kugevičius, Algirdas
Translated from: Tibetan
Published on: 2014

“The Tibetan Book of the Dead” shows how Tibetan people understand death, past and future lives connection. It is a collection of Tibetan spiritual teaching and teaches us about journeys of death phases.

The book provides basic knowledge about Tibet, which helps better understand the country\’s beliefs, manners, culture and life. Tibetan civilization is unique, the locals believe that the inner and outer worlds are connected, and it is the main reason for the past and the future life connection. Tibetans have been focused on the inner life and its development since ancient times (they believe that personality development is endless). The inner life development was strongly influenced by Tibetan unusual nature – Himalayan Mountains, which encourages meditation and calmness. More

Peace Is Every Step

Authors: Nhat Hanh, Thích
Translated by: Dagys, Saulius
Translated from: English
Published on: 2014

“Peace is every step” is a book about human’s life and individual improvement, following the Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh’s philosophy. Components of the book are quite similar to the reader’s life – it is filled with ups, downs and musings, while every chapter’s title touches yet another part of human’s daily routine. In his book Thich Nhat Hanh teaches how to slow down, relax and just breathe in our society, which is filled with stress, quick lifestyle and chaos. More

Tehran at twillight

Authors: Abdoh, Salar
Translated by: Šarkovas, Vitalijus
Translated from: English
Published on: 2014

“Tehran at twillight“ is a book about finding one’s place in complicated circumstances, difficult or sometimes impossible adaptation to a changed situation and trying to start a new life in a foreign and very different country. The book presents an unpolished, uneasy, dangerous, full of corruption and a hidden criminal world story of the mysterious Iran, and how it has affected the current situation of the country’s people. The characters of the book must constantly make decisions – about their values, about the sake of sacrifice in the name of friendship, about security, and often their decisions in this environment determine their fate. More

After the Quake

Authors: Murakami, Haruki
Translated by: Jurgita Polonskaitė
Translated from: Japanese
Published on: 2013

In 1995 Japan suffered two huge disasters. On January 17 the Great Hanshin earthquake, also known as the Kobe, hit Japan. The earthquake was put in the Guinness Book of World Records, as the “costliest natural disaster to befall any one country”. During it 6434 people died. On March 20, toxic nerve gas was released  in the Tokyo subway system, killing 13 and injuring thousands of people. These catastrophes shocked not only the public life of the country but also left a deep scar in the subconsciousness of Land of the Rising Sun‘s residents. It touched even those who were far away from where the events took place. More

And the Mountains Echoed

Authors: Hosseini, Khaled
Translated by: Čeponis, Jonas
Translated from: English
Published on: 2013

Khaled Hosseini is Afghan-born American well-known novelist who created a lot of novels in which the most famous are “The Kite Runner”, “A Thousand Splendid Suns” and also “And the Mountains Echoed”. “A Thousand Splendid Suns” and “And the Mountains Echoed” are novels which explore Afghanistan culture and history. However, the And the Mountains Echoed is the most emotional and attractive one. This creation is like a long journey through people‘s personal experiences, losses, dramas. Although the goal of this journey is not truly visible, but it is perceptible: it is important to understand any decision‘s meaning, to understand that this kind of action is important not only for you, but also for others despite of being thousand miles away and to understand that any decision can influence others generations too. More

The Blood of Flowers

Authors: Amirrezvani, Anita
Translated by: Judelevičius, Leonas
Translated from: English
Published on: 2013

Anita Amirrezvani novel „The Blood of Flowers“ moves us to the XVII century of Persia. Young woman wants to marry and create a beautiful family. Suddenly, her beloved father died and left her without a dowry. The poverty impels them to leave loved house in hometown and go to find luck in the home of her uncle. Her uncle saw that this girl has a wonderful talent to cord the carpet. Although a girl has to accept temporary wedding contract with  means absoliute humiliation. But this fact doesn‘t prevent girl to create amazing ornaments. More

The God of Small Things

Authors: Roy, Arundhati
Translated by: Žalytė, Danguolė
Translated from: English
Published on: 2013

The novel takes place in Ayemenem, Kerala, India. The plot centers on Estha and Rahel, fraternal boy and girl twins living with their divorced mother, Ammu, and her family. The central events of the novel involve the fateful visit of their cousin Sophie-Mol, and her mother Margaret-Kochamma. We learn at the beginning of the novel that there will be an event that will a huge impact on the main character’s lives. More

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Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU