Račius, Egdūnas
“Muslims and their Islam” is a study book about Islam as a religion and the Muslim culture, its traditions and customs. Author cites Quran and interprets it to explain the Muslim culture. Gives examples not only from Middle East or world but also from Lithuania and the Muslim culture here. More
Zykas, Aurelijus
“Red and Green Taiwan” is yet another carefully crafted and endearing travel book after “The Colors and Flavors of Japan”, both written by Aurelijus Zykas. The first thing that catches the reader’s eye is the book cover – a picture of a stunningly beautiful Taiwanese temple. The first few pages greets the reader with breathtaking picturesque visuals of the local nature, accompanied by a few quotes from Chinese philosopher Zhuangzi whose ideas and thoughts can be found scattered throughout the book in an intermezzo style in-between the author’s journey through Taiwan. More
Kulvelis - Šimkevičiūtė, Eglė
In her debut book ’’Tiger is Not a Cat’’, theater director Eglė Šimkevičiūtė – Kulvelis shares her acquaintance with Vietnam and Thailand. The author and her husband, who first traveled to Southeast Asia almost a decade ago, had been hoping for this adventure to last for one year. However, a travel-infected couple who have explored the region in its entirety and are currently living in New Zealand are planning their next adventure. More
Domkuvienė, Violeta
Chemist Violeta Domkuvienė for those interested in literature about exotic lands is better known as tireless traveler. In the highly acclaimed books ’’Madagascar: Mora Mora through the Land of Wonders’’ and ’’Vietnam. Singapore. Bali Island: The magical Southeast Asia’’ author shares delicious flavors and smells, unusual traditions, natural beauty and other experiences while traveling abroad. This time, in her latest book, Ms. Violet shares impressions from Morocco. More
Laurinčiukas, Albertas
Lithuanian journalist and author Albertas Laurinčiukas has released many travel books which have won several prizes, such as ,, Cooper Sun’’, ,,Black Blood’’ and many more, is coming back with a book “Typhoon wrath” which has also won a prize. In this book the author shares his experiences in Asia, many conversations with many people, full of color traditions, cultures, languages and the distinct rhythm of life.
The Author’s journey began in Tokyo in the international Haneda aerodrome from which, the wind carried him to Mongolia’s steppes near the Buir Nur river. Then, when the wheels of the plane had touched the concrete grounds of Kabul aerodrome, then he had officially landed in Afghanistan. The Pacific Ocean brought him to Vietnam. From there the author travelled to less known countries such as: Kampuchea and Laos which surprised them with their simplicity. He carried on to the colorful Hong Kong, from there on the journey continued to the smell of sampaguita blossoms in the Philippines. In India the author was friendly welcomed by the stone statue of shiva, in Al- Qurnah the Heaven’s garden. All these journeys fill humans with so much experience and the opportunity for the reader to learn about these places.
Despite ,,Typhoon wrath’’ being a travel book as it can look from the first glance. It is filled with a lot of interesting facts, witty comments which draw you in into the depts of Asia.
Albertas Laurinčiukas in the book ‘’Typhoon Wrath’’ acquaints the reader with the daily life of a Western viewpoint with the unknown and odd world. Which inspires us with unique life spices and history from the Eternal Time river in India, to his first journey story.
Pilyponis, Justas
”A mysterious stranger from India“ was released in 1939 and is believed to be one of the most famous Lithuanian novels written by a detective genre pioneer. Although the book is old and can look boring and dull, it is full of adventures and events.
Italy, Venice, two years after famous killer Zig-zag was caught and killed. Camillus Chateauraux was a small French daily correspondent who caught the horrifying killer. But after two years, the killer comes back and like never before – he kills Dutch consul Willian den Ouden. His gorgeous daughter Marie den Ouden is heartbroken, depressed and in shock. However, Camillus is trying to take care of her. Sadly, unsuccessfully – Zig-zag kidnaps the girl from her home in front of two men. The men remember seeing her like hypnotized, following someone orders. The question arises, as to whether Zig-zag is a human or not? Can he be a powerful yogi who uses his brain power and makes people obey him? This novel is quick to pull you in the action and is full of drama. More
Ivanauskaitė, Jurga
„If you ask me, what inspired me the most from various impressions or conclusions,without doubt i would answer that: SAMBAL“ – with this quote, which Nicolah Roerich wrote in his diary after the trip around Himalayas, the author started her book „The trip to Sambal“. This is the second part of trilogy „Tibetan Mandala“, which could be the preface of budism for every person.