Volume count: 3
Catalog: Tibeto mandala, 2, Ivanauskaitė, Jurga
Published in: Vilnius
Published on: 1997
Publisher: Tyto alba
„If you ask me, what inspired me the most from various impressions or conclusions,without doubt i would answer that: SAMBAL“ – with this quote, which Nicolah Roerich wrote in his diary after the trip around Himalayas, the author started her book „The trip to Sambal“. This is the second part of trilogy „Tibetan Mandala“, which could be the preface of budism for every person.
Jurga Ivanauskait‘s book „The trip to Sabal“ is very vividly and attractively written. In this book, there is a lot of impressions about the real trip to the mystical Sambal, which no one know where it is: maybe it‘s in Himalayas, maybe it‘s inside us, inside our souls? In this book vitalizes amazing accidents, meetings, confessions with varios different people: from common buddy, to senior cleric, fortune – teller or prophet. While reading this book, you can come to different, unknown world and self-understanding. The author speaks ironically about Europeans and Americans, who tries to understand indian or tibetan people‘s perception of the world, tries to copy them, however it doesnt work for them. These people also tries to get deep in their minds, even though they know just a little peace of meditation, that‘s why they end in madhouse.
In this book, there is a lot of historical information, the main Buddhist religious doctrine and philosophy traits. About difficult things Jurga Ivanauskaite tries to write with live style, trusting her own experience. Author’s understanding inflame the death threat, incurable disease diagnosis. “I watch, observe, listen, smell and sometimes feel, that I’m getting closer to some very important answer. The center of Mandala. Sambal, which is here and now. And every time I get scared, that I won’t have enough time for the last step.”. From this disease she heals with oracle Kathmandu help, who uses unknown and not understandable ways.
In this book there is a lot of considerations, which makes the reader think about life. “Really these becoming creatures near the chasm in Himalayas, looks like they don’t feel comfortable in their biped bodies and with people faces, which getting off like too big masks from their faces. I don’t even think to look at them from above, because in these moments I always doubt, how much am I the human”.