Katayama, Shozo
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This book is about Japan after the World War II. It mentions a lot of important historical events, such as : Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bomb tragedy, American nuclear testings in Bikini island. Also, this book mentions information about Fukurju-maru crew’s accident, Okinawa’s occupation.
Ai Mindzi
Translated by:
Levinskas, Edvardas
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In the novel „The nurse“ are talking about the girl Dzian Suchua who is graduated from the nurse studies in the Shanghai and are going to work to the north of the China. At the time when all nurses are getting work assignements from all over the China,the girl didn‘t afraid that she will have to work somewhere far away from home but she afraided that she will have to go without her bestfriend Tan Siaofana‘s. At the time when was Suchua‘s time to get knews about her work … More
Yang Mo
Translated by:
Vaišnoras, Jonas
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The beginning of 20th century in China, civil war and the rise of communism. In the heat of these events the image of young student girl arises.
The story is full of tension, hiding, torturing, love, every-day life and fight for a better tomorrow and a young girl that joined the fight. The book will not only show the reader the horror of civil war, the beauty of love born in heated situations, but also will teach some great history lessons and the love for your country. More
Chan Ser Ja
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V. Gustainis
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In the novel ‘’Nightfalls’’ action takes place in the XX century’s Korea, which is occupied by Japan. The stor evolves around two main characters – young and poor girl Je Sun and the son of a rich family Ken Dja, who is full of rebellious ideas against invader Japan and the victory of proletariate. After parents death Je Sun and her brother was raised by their relative, who was not a very good person. Je Sun decided to go study into Seoul’s gymnasium when she graduated from her school but her brother decided to stay in the village and they still keeps in touch. Je Sun lived with Ken Dja’s fathers Kim Dja Tan’s family in their home and earned money tutoring family’s youngest children. More
Yi Ki-Yong
Translated by:
Kazlauskaitė, Milda
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In 1946, a year after the liberation of Korea, the Provisional People‘s Committee for North Korea, headed by Kim Il-sung, introduced a land reform law that swept the country, changing the lives of Korean people. The economic and social changes that follow the implementation of the agrarian reform are the main focus of Yi Ki-Yong’s novel “Soil”. Japanese and Korean landlords had their land expropriated and distributed to all tenant farmers. The author skillfully ties the fates of peasants unifying them for a common purpose that reveals the hopes and dreams they have for the democratic establishment. More
Mao Dun
Translated by:
Bielinskienė, M., Petrauskaitė, P.
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Novel “Midnight” is one of the best known works by Mao Dun, still popular and influentual in People’s Republic of China even nowadays. In the Russian translation of the book, from which this translation has been translated, title was changed to “Before The Dawn” (borrowed from a sentence in the novel), as translator to Russian thought it fitted the novel’s mood better. “Midnight” is a realistic novel and was written under constraints of censoring in Kuomintang-ruled China (first More
Tokutomi, Kenjiro ( Tokutomi, Roka)
Translated by:
Paulauskas, Stasys
Novel “Nami-ko” by Kenjiro Tokutomi is a love story about Nami-ko Kataoka and Takeo Kawashima. The book starts with a scene, where a young wife is waiting for her husband coming back from work. While telling about the life of this young family, the writer mentions Nami-ko’s family as well: her father, the general of samurai, her mother who is unfortunately dead, her step mother, who was able to study in London, also her brothers and sisters. Later on, the author writes about Takeo … More