Azijos studijos Lietuvoje - Past events
Asian studies in Lithuania

Past events

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Persian Classical and Sufi Music Concertrenginys


Date and time: 2017-07-20 19:00 - 2017-07-20 20:00
Location: Lietuvos teatro, muzikos ir kino muziejus, 41 Vilnius street, Vilnius

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Symbols of Orient Time and Artrenginys


Date and time: 2017-06-10 - 2018-01-01
Location: 12 Liepų street, Klaipėda

On July 10 an exhibition of the Oriental art collection was opened in the Clock and Watch Museum (Department of Lithuanian Art Museum), which was donated by Nijolė, Leon and Linas Maskaliūnai (USA). This is an interesting, unique collection that presents the culture of South-East Asian countries. The accent of the exhibition is Bali’s calendar on a cloth called plintangan, which, according to the donor’s data, was created by the artist of the last king of the royal palace of Bali. More…

Traditional Korean Dance Presentation by Ji Young Parkrenginys


Date and time: 2017-08-02 18:00 - 2017-08-02 19:30
Location: (Lietuvių) Ateities g. 20, Vilnius

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Conversations About Buddha’s Teachings and Meditation Meetingsrenginys


Date and time: 2017-08-05 18:30 - 2017-08-08 18:30

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Gongs Evening Under the Open Skyrenginys


Date and time: 2017-08-02 19:00 - 2017-08-02 21:00
Location: (Lietuvių) Karjero g., Piliuonos k., Taurakiemio sen., Kauno raj.

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Planting of Hiroshima Ginkgorenginys


Date and time: 2017-08-06 12:00 - 2017-08-06 16:00
Location: Kairėnų 43, Vilnius

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Sugihara Week in Kaunasrenginys


Date and time: 2017-09-02 12:00 - 2017-09-08 21:00
Location: (Lietuvių) Kaunas

Sugihara Week, organized on September 02-09, 2017 for the first time, is the event which aims to perpetuate the memory of Japanese diplomat Chiune Sugihara. This personality lived in Kaunas (Lithuania) during 1939-40 and together with Duch Consul Jan Zvartendijk issued his famous „Visas for Life“ thus saving thousands of lives of Jewish refugees.
Sugihara Week invites Lithuanian, Japanese and Jewish nations to join together in the epicentrum of the events, i.e. Kaunas, More…

Buryat Amazons’ History in Užupisrenginys

Date and time: 2017-08-05 18:00 - 2017-08-05 21:00
Location: Užupio g. 13, Vilnius

In the fifth century of our era countless troops of Huns invaded Europe. Part of troops have reached territories of present Lithuania and after 1500 years they have returned! The descendants of the Huns, Buryat women are coming to Vilnius Užupis not to wage war, but to  present the history and culture of their nation.

In this Saturday’s evening (18:00 h.), in an Užupis cafe “Huracán Coffee” baristas will be serving coffee while Buryat women tell stories and invite to taste their traditional dishes. More…

Understanding Japan Then and Now: a Discussion with Aidas Puklevičiusrenginys


Date and time: 2017-08-17 18:00 - 2017-08-17 19:30
Location: Islandijos g. 1, Vilnius

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International Conference “Nation, Gender and History: Asian Cinemas in Perspective”renginys


Date and time: 2017-09-07 - 2017-09-09
Location: Vilniaus universiteto Orientalistikos centras, Universiteto g. 5, Vilnius

On September 7-9 the Centre of Oriental Studies of Vilnius University invites to an international conference “Nation, Gender and History: Asian Cinemas in Perspective” on the cinemas of Asia. Over thirty scholars from Europe and Asia will present their works and discuss the problems of national cinema, historiography, nationalism and gender representation. A lot of attention will be paid to horror, action and other cinematic genres which are often overlooked in academic film studies. More…

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Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU