Šalčius, Matas
In 1929, Šalčius together with other famous Lithuanian traveler Antanas Poška began a great journey through the Balcans, Greece, Egypt, Middle East, India and far East countries.After this travel he published six-volume series Svečiuose pas 40 tautų (Visiting 40 nations), which was awarded the National Press Prize. More
Authors of the articles: Vygandas Aleksandravičius, Antanas Andrijauskas, Rasa Andriušytė-Žukienė, Vaclovas Bagdonavičius, Jonas Balčius, Audrius Beinorius, Rūta Guzevičiūtė, Valdas Jaskūnas, Dalius Jonkus, Stanislovas Juknevičius, Česlovas Kalenda, Auksė Kapočiūtė, Vladimir Korobov, Bronislovas Kuzmickas, Basia Nikiforova, Aistė Niunkaitė-Račiūnienė, Marija Oniščik, Loreta Poškaitė, Dainius Razauskas, Oresta Rėgalaitė, Vytautas Rimša, Vytautas Rubavičius, Dalia Marija Stančienė, Aivaras Stepukonis, Regimantas Tamošaitis, Daiva Tamošaitytė, Hidemichi Tanaka, Vytautas Tumėnas, Algis Uždavinys, Gintautas Vyšniauskas.
Mickevičienė, Diana
Domkuvienė, Violeta
This book gives perfect opportunities to plunge into three magic countries of Southeastern Asia. The author describes three countries figuratively and in a defiantly way, which she has visited. It is Vietnam, Singapore and the island of Bali. The author of the book shortly tells the history , customs and traditions of the visited countries, which can give the reader a shock, and also describes her own adventures in the visited countries, a few of which are funny and some of which will … More
Mačiulevičius, Paulius
Pack your rucksack, quit your job, leave your family and friends for who knows how long and buy one way ticket to a place, you have never been to. Sounds hard isn‘t it? However, three travelers from Lithuania: journalist Paulius Mačiulevičius, photographer Berta Tilmantaitė and psychologist Andrius Jančiauskas proves that there are no limits and everything is possible. Three authors’ book “Asia without borders” retold seven month long trip through ten Asian countries. With the idea “The globe is friendly” travelers decide to meet such a chaotic and in the same time very colourful Asian culture. More
Starkus, Martynas
Second book, written by journalist and traveler Martynas Starkus, is “Tuk tuk India“ and written in travel blog form. Author is famous not only because of his works in Lithuanian media, but mostly by travelling extreme travels and making TV shows about it. Moreover, Martynas Starkus is very talented writter and his blog posts in internet were really well-known and interesting to read. Mostly because of it he desided to write books according to his emotions and memories about the trips.
Rykštaitė, Vaiva
The author tells about her own experiences while travelling in India. However, it is not a tourist guide book, which is why there are no picturesque routes or references to comfortable and popular hotels. She narrates without glamor and idealization – whether it is the places she visited or the people and their relations. And in her trip there were many various meetings, starting the ones with the westerners, who were searching for the enlightment in India, or just were in love with the country, and finishing with meetings with the locals with all their complex rituals, traditions, and subtleties of interaction. More
Samalavičius, Almantas
The book presents travels through Buddhist countries, especially to the places where hardly any tourists are around. It tells picturesque stories about visited cities, villages, sanctuaries and their architectural features. Also, during the trip there are observations about the local inhabitants’ behavior and mentality, which is influenced by the local form of government and religion (Buddhism/Islam). Topics about work, education, hospitality and goodwill of people are considered as well. Every country by visited Samalavicius’ is pictured by emphasizing a few important stages of country’s development: short narrative about emergence of a country, changes of names of cities, some statistical data and myths. Therefore, after reading the book, it is easy to discover the economic, social and political differences of the mentioned countries. More
Neimantas, Romualdas
The author of monograph “East and Lithuania” Romuald Neimantas, talks about India, Japan, China and other Eastern countries, especially about their cultural links with Lithuania. “East and Lithuania. From Neman River to the Ganges” is a book that is perfect not only for those who are interested in the East civilizations. The book is rich in biographies of well known researchers, travel descriptions, pictures, therefore it is able to maintain the attention from the first to the last page.
In the first chapter the author introduces the first travelers from Lithuania who had traveled to the pyramids. They are Mikolajus Radvila Našlaitėlis, Matas Šalčius and the first professional Lithuanian Egyptologist Marija Rudzinskaitė-Arcimavičienė.There are overviews of these travelers as well as their biographies, travel histories and their achievements. More
Poška, Antanas
Antano Poškos „Nuo Baltijos iki Bengalijos” aštuntas tomas užbaigia knygų seriją, kurios išleidimą buvo sumanęs pats autorius, kai sugrįžo iš kelionės po Europą, Afriką, Aziją ir 1939 metais išspausdino pirmąjį tomą. Deja, II pasaulinis karas ir jo sukeltos sumaištys sutrukdė išsipildyti legendinio XX amžiaus lietuvių keliautojo svajonei. More