Asian studies in Lithuania

Unfinished dissertations

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The Land of Gods and Perfume

Author: Rudzinskaitė-Arcimavičienė, Marija

„The Land of Gods and Perfume“ is a book which tells the story of Ethiopian culture, strongly affected by the Ancient Egyptian. Ethiopia is described as a mosaic of nations, a place where Egyptian influence is still felt to this day. Egyptian documents usually describe it as a perfume land. The book tells the story of the first Egyptian paharaoh woman Hatshepsut, who was commanded by god Ammon to send ships delegation to Ethiopia, formerly called Puntu. After reaching the Puntu she saw a rich country with good and civilized people, and a very similar appearance and clothing to the most Egyptians.

Although sketchy, Rudzinskaitė-Arcimavičienė’s booklet „The Land of Gods and Perfume“  was a relevant publication at the time, partly due to Italy’s policy toward Ethiopia, which the author experienced clearly at the International Congress of Orientalists in Rome in 1935.

Letters from Kabul

Author: Digrytė, Eglė

The author in her book tells an interesting story about how to survive in war’s zone, how to remain alive. She tries to show the real Afghanistan, to deny some myths, to tell more about culture and traditions that are essentially different from Lithuanian. Egle Digryte openly talks about women’s position in Afghanistan and attitudes towards foreign, warn about dangerous in Afghanistan.

Also, necessary to mention that you could find a lot of colourful illustrations in the book that shows country’s life. More

Mamahuhu. Six years in China

Author: Aukštakalnytė-Hansen, Eglė

The book “Mama Afrika”  writer Eglė Aukštakalnytė-Hansen  that had to move form Kenia to Sanhay, so she could wrote a book “Mamahuhu, Šešeri metai Kinijoje”, where she told her experience.  The author Eglė Aukštakalnytė-Hansen tries to show the boundless (so much geographycal area, so much cultural meaning) China as a huge colage, that every detail is distinctive, immpresive and worth attention.

At first the reader is suprised and intreaged by the book title „Mamahuhu“. This lingvistic crossword meaning is expalined by the author in the book, but the reader can interpret it on their own way.   Also there is many photographs, that are captured by the author from various China regions. Photos and signatures helps you understand what kind of different country it is on people, environment and traditions point of view. More

Epics of Asian and European nations

Author: Kerbelyte, Bronislava

This book presents epics created by some of the Eurasian tribes and offers an exceptional opportunity to read excerpts from them professionally translated into the Lithuanian language. The book consists of two parts: the first one is about epics that were written and preserved in ancient texts, and the second part includes those that were preserved by the oral tradition and were written down in the 19th century or even later.

There is some general information before every epic on the people that created it, cultural and historic background, what type of performance it requires, its length, story and main themes. Moreover, information on the translator of the epic or the first person who wrote it down is provided. Specific terminology is explained as well. More

Exclusive journeys: China, Tibet, Myanmar, Nepal

Author: Rute, Ieva

Ievos Rutes book can be considered as responsible travelling and astonishing travelling routes guide. As it can be guessed from the name of the book author talks about sightseeing in China, Tibet, Mianmar and Nepal. As we all know these exotic countries have a lot to offer in many different aspects such as culture, architecture, art. As author herself says: “I never go on a trip without my camera equipment” and that is why this book attracts even more attention with all the amazing photographies it has from the smallest temples to worlds highest mountains. That is why after reading this book the desire to travel is over the top. More

Beyond the Yellow Sea

Author: Liubeckis, Mykolas

Mykolas Liubeckis – photographer and journalist. Book is old, released in USSR therefore the country which is represented changed a lot.

In the book author depicts experiences received in „The Land of the rising Sun“ – Japan. The period during which author visited Japan was post World War II. He describes daily life of civilian people, political situation, economy. However, religion,traditions,arts and myths are not forgotten.

Book is rich of photographs – mostly made by author himself. They portray not only hard daily life of people but also rays of hope for better future.

Fishes and Dragons

Author: Radzevičiūtė, Undinė

The “Fishes and Dragons“ book is different from the traditional Lithuanian literature tradition. It is like different category, in which intellectual challenge is combined with refined and not refined humor, and characters talks as they were fighting with a swards. According to Saulius Repečka – redactor of “Baltos Lankos” publishing house, this book is for reader, who can separate event of literature from the literature bubble. The name of the book “Fishes and Dragons” symbolizes Christianity, symbol of Christ – fish, and the power of imperator of China – dragon. Therefore conjunction of these two different worlds. More

To Bangkok in 40 Days

Author: Paukštys, Saulius

“Į Bankoką per 40 dienų”, the book written by Photo-artist Saulius Paukštys, describes a breathtaking story and memories. The journey was organized in order to commemorate the eightieth anniversary of the fearless Transatlantic flight of two legendary Lithuanian pilots – Steponas Darius and Stasys Girėnas. During the trek lasting for almost two months, the distance exceeding fourteen thousand kilometers was covered by two motorcyclists accompanied by their two friends driving cars. A variety of roads and paths, from coasting on asphalt roads to adventures off the beaten track, nearly everything was tried out on their way to Thailand crossing Latvia, Russia, Kazakhstan and Laos. More

The Philippines. The Magic of Ring of Fire (Filipinai. Ugnies žiedo kerai)

Author: Kinderis, Dainius

The book about one of the Southeast Asia‘s country the Philippines author starts with words: “Is it possible to love a foreign country? The one which is thousands of miles, hundreds of cultures, tens of hours by plane away. The one which is located after many timelines, mountain ranges, infinite oceans.”  This book is a travel diary of Dainius Kinderis, in which he talks about the Philippines as a country which changed him as a traveler. He spent hundreds of days in the Philippines and as the result he introduces the readers to the country\’s history, speaks about the relations between Lithuania and the Philippines and the human beings who played important roles in creating them. Author mentions a dangerous trip in the ferry, during which he visited the abode of the separatists and Badjao sea tribe. Maintaining the theme of danger, the author talks about the risky trip to the highest peak – Mount Apo. More

Life on the Volcano (Gyvenimas ant ugnikalnio)

Author: Neimantas, Romualdas

The book ,,Gyvenimas ant ugnikalnio“ written by the associated professor Romualdas Neimantas, provides us with an opportunity to travel in time through the Land of the Raising Sun. Throughout this book there are presented various written articles about the ancient and modern life (from the writer‘s point of view) of Japan. The comprehension of modernity might have changed as well as Japan might have changed, while having in mind that it has turned into one of the most modern countries of the World and it has to be mentioned that more than 30 years have passed since the release of this book. However, having a chance to look at this country from different perspectives – is essentially valuable. The stories told by the author are not only impressions from his first journey to Japan but also stories which were collected from local citizens of this country. These stories provide the readers with an opportunity to have even a loser “touch” with a country which often seems so distant and covered in myths. More

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Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU