Digrytė, Eglė
The author in her book tells an interesting story about how to survive in war’s zone, how to remain alive. She tries to show the real Afghanistan, to deny some myths, to tell more about culture and traditions that are essentially different from Lithuanian. Egle Digryte openly talks about women’s position in Afghanistan and attitudes towards foreign, warn about dangerous in Afghanistan.
Also, necessary to mention that you could find a lot of colourful illustrations in the book that shows country’s life. More
Rudzinskaitė-Arcimavičienė, Marija
“The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amun and the Monuments of Thebes“ is the 3rd book in “Ancient East“ series, in which autor of the book, pioneer of profesional Egyptology in Lithuania, Marija Rudzinskaitė-Arcimavičienė, vividly and poeticly portray impressions experienced during her second expedition to Egypt in 1924.
The book is divided into two parts. In the first part of the book the discovery of Tut-Ankh-Amun’s, 12th Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th dynasty (ruled ca. 1332–1323 BC ), tomb is described in fine detail, the most interesting observations of tombs discoverers and explorers (English archaeologists, Egyptologists, George Carnarvon, Howard Carter ) are cited, the history of excavations in the Valley of the Kings are briefly discussed. In the second part of the book, M. Rudzinskaitė-Arcimavičienė depicts her journey to the tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amun and monuments of Thebes (earthen houses fellah village, pharaoh Hatshepsut temple ruins, Luxor temple, ruins of Karnak) in the form of diary. More
Kerbelyte, Bronislava
This book presents epics created by some of the Eurasian tribes and offers an exceptional opportunity to read excerpts from them professionally translated into the Lithuanian language. The book consists of two parts: the first one is about epics that were written and preserved in ancient texts, and the second part includes those that were preserved by the oral tradition and were written down in the 19th century or even later.
There is some general information before every epic on the people that created it, cultural and historic background, what type of performance it requires, its length, story and main themes. Moreover, information on the translator of the epic or the first person who wrote it down is provided. Specific terminology is explained as well. More
Rudzinskaitė-Arcimavičienė, Marija
Marija Rudzinskaite-Arcimaviciene was the first Lithuanian Egyptologist, scientist, initiator of professional Egyptology in Lithuania. She started finding interest in Egypt while she was studying in Moscow. Her professor was a famous Russian Orientalist Boris Turajev. Marija dedicated her life for historical Egypt heritage research. She participated in many expeditions in Egypt and brought a lot of exhibits to Lithuania, especially from the excavations with a famous American archaeologist George Reisner. Since 1922 she was a professor in Vytautas Magnus University. Marija also started history of Egypt course in the university where she taught students about art and literature monuments. In 1932 she published a dictionary „Egipto hieroglifai“. In the book she explained symbolic and phonetical meaning of hieroglyphs. She also translated some anthems and one tale. In 1936 Marija published Egypt history textbook and some other books about Egypt. Majority of her exhibits are held at Mykolas Žilinskas Gallery in Kaunas. More
Abramavičius, Marius
Book presents Muslim country, Iran. Writer visits not only famous cities such as capital Tehran, cultural Shiraz or historic Isfahan, also pointing out more remote and less polluted and chaotic , not hazed by traffic jam cities. Journey starts at Tehran, later are visited on the way situated smaller central and borderline provinces of Iran, which have unique rhythm of life and perfectly presents diversity of Iran’s society. Journey through Iran is seen not by historian or journalist, but as … More
Maliauskas, Sigitas
“Operacijoje “Irako laisvė” is a book about first Lithuanian soldiers mission in Iraq in 2003. Just by having a quick glance at this book you might think that this is another book about war, but actually, you will find much more. Every chapter starts with quote from by far famous book about war „The art of war“. These short fragments of brilliant Sun Dzu book makes text very sublime. Sergeant writes about communication between solders, psychological support for each other, … More
Rudzinskaitė-Arcimavičienė, Marija
The book „Aigiptas“ (“Egypt) was released in 1936. It was written by Marija Rudzinskaitė-Arcimavičienė. She was a professional Egyptology pioneer in Lithuania and associate proffesor in department of General History in Vytautas Magnus University Faculty of Humanities. This is a first volume of „Senovės Rytų istorija“. The main object of research in this book are Egyptians and Assyrians-Babylonians.
The first chapter (introduction) of the book describes Ancient East culture and its influence to European culture, talks about sufficiently unclear and narrow Ancient Eastern historical sources. It also gives information about Ancient East history studies and its chronology. In the last part of first chapter Ancient Egypt timbers are being analyzed too. Second chapter of “Aigiptas” describes Egyptian history origins – from geographical conditions and their influence to living in this land, to Ancient Egyptian origin story. It also discusses all at that time available knowledge about Ancient Egypt. More
Koruklu, Jolita
This book could be called as guide of Istanbul, whereas best places assortment in the city. Author thinks that Istanbul is like „living organism, which continually changing“, so this book have everything: from history of ancient and modern Istanbul from lifestyles. „Own Istanbul“ is the best assistant for searching Istanbul\’s places. After reading the book, you‘ll know everything how is going and even how to behave in the mosque or market.
Siniuvienė, Aušra
This comic book ,,Asia, open up\”, which is written by Vilija Mozurienė and Aušra Siniuvienė, provides excellent opportunities for readers to dive into the spectacular and scenic trips in 47 Asian countries. The book consists of funny, various comics, which allows to get acquainted with Asia slightly differently: there is no single text or certain information in this book – everything is presented playfully, with a lot of images. Each country in this book including Azerbaijan, … More
Vedegytė, L.
With this travel book, authors present growing the Soviet Union country – Tajikistan. During the trip, the authors travel around whole of the country. They visit cotton fields and tell the country\’s ‚tresure‘ foundation history: all of the difficulties experienced by scientists, farmers,while creating the conditions for this crop to flourish in the country. They tell the story of the soldier how he became such and how he helped to rescue Lithuanian land from the Nazis. The story of … More