Former researcher at the Centre for Asian Studies, Vytautas Magnus University. Her main research interests are: acculturation of Japanese Fashion in France and Lithuania, Acculturation of French Fashion in Japan, Image of Japan in European Media (France and Lithuania), Japanese (Asian) contemporary Popular Culture, discourse analysis, cultural theories, semiotics, argumentation, Intercultural (national) communication, Japanese and French language teaching. Member of European Association of Japanese Studies (EAJS) (since 2010).
Taught Japanese language and courses on contemporary Japanese culture (MA) at Vytautas Magnus University. Also taught Japanese language at the Oriental Studies Centre (VU), and Vilnius Pedagogical University.
1965Penname Neboisia – poet, artist, photographer, traveler, writer, sculptor, video artist, musician, kite artist and diplomat of the Republic of Užupis, currently Užupis ambassador in Persia (Iran) and Santo Spirito. Spent 13 years Užupio ambassador in Tibet.
1991 graduated from Vilnius Pedagogical Institute. In 2007-2008 he led Užupis Art Incubator. Lithuanian Art Photographers’ Association member. Visited Japan, Tibet, Iran, India, Nepal, Thailand, the Kuril Islands, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Morocco, Cuba and Georgia. He wrote the books: Wanderers notes. Georgia and Iran- the other side of the Moon.
1948Habilitated doctor; head of the Department of Comparative Culture Studies at the Culture, Philosophy, and Arts Research Institute; Professor at Vilnius University and the Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts, president of the Lithuanian Aesthetic Association; and expert member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. More
1874 - 1941 Konstantinas Aris was a Lithuanian traveler, entomologist and businessman. He had organized expeditions to Central Asia, Pamir, Afghanistan, Persia and other places. During these expeditions (1897 – 1909) K. Aris was exploring the nature, collecting various animals (mostly reptiles and insects) for his collections, taking photos and writing his traveling, research journals.
K. Aris wrote about two of his expeditions in the book titled “My expedition to Central Asia“ (Vol. 1-2, 1933–1934). In this book people can find a lot of detailed information about the mountain areas, especially, about the Pamir region. Furthermore, K. Aris described traditions and businesses of people from Bukhara and Samarkand in the end of the 19th More
1873 - 1944Poet, essayist, translator, diplomat. J. Baltrušaitis was one of the most famous symbolists of Russian and Lithuanian poetry, who was fluent not only in Russian and Lithuanian, but also in English, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Italian and French. He has translated a great number of works of foreign writers (H. Ibsen, O. Wilde, A. Strindberg, G. Byron and others) into Russian; has translated the poetry of Nobel Prize winner Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore and prepared his poem “Gitanjali” for the press. J. Baltrušaitis helped with publishing symbolist review “Vesy”, “Severnye cvety”; as well as various magazines, newspapers, almanacs, anthologies and occasional collections.
Characteristics of J. Baltrušaitis’ poetry: the one he has written in Russian is full of philosophical reflections of the truth of More
1973 - 2015Agnė Budriūnaitė (1973-2015) – Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy of Vytautas Magnus University. She wrote several monographs and numerous scientific articles. Also, this woman organized several interdisciplinary conferences and initiated some research projects. From 2005 he taught at Vytautas Magnus University, Department of Philosophy and worked the VMU Centre for Asian Studies as senior researcher. A. Budriūnaitė concentrated on research of Eastern (especially Daoism) philosophy, religion philosophy, classic and modern mysticism, religious syncretism, comparative analysis.
1886 - 1942Statesman, lawyer, philosopher, educator, professor, Prime Minister of Republic of Lithuania, one of the twenty signatories of the Act of 16 February (Act of Independence of Lithuania), author of a huge number of academic articles, publisher and editor of many periodical magazines and newspapers. The main academic fields of interest: philosophy, history, pedagogy, religion and history of religion. While analyzing the history of Western philosophy and religion P. Dovydaitis looked for analogies between Western and Eastern (mostly Middle East) cultures, compared their beliefs, analyzed the reasons of their differences and the areas of cultural influence.
P. Dovydaitis claimed that religion and science complement and give a sense to each other. He thought that religion is one More
1968Arūnas Gelūnas is an artist, scholar and the minister of Culture of Lithuania since 2010. His main academic interests are concentrated on Japanese art history, Japanese graphics. Uses Japanese art motives in his art creations.
He is a member of the Lithuanian National Bologna process (chairman in 2004-2008), member of the European Japanese Studies Association (EAJS), member of the Lithuanian Artists’ Union, member of the Lithuanian Philosophers’ Union, member of the editorial board of the periodical Acta Orientalia Vilnensia.
1984Poet, essay writer and playwright, the Republican contest of young philologists and Pranas Lembertas contest nominee. In 2003 she graduated from Kaunas Jesuit high school and studied at an Kaunas photography school. Prints of cultural criticism publications in national press. Vaiva Grainytė’s debut book „Pekino dienoraščiai“ (2012), in which the author described her study experiences in China, became a huge success in Lithuania. The book in 2012 was included in the book of the year nominees list (adult category) and the Lithuania’s most creative book of the year top twelve.
Her works are translated into English, German, French, Latvian, Russian and Chinese languages, plays were featured in various international theater and music festivals in France, Germany, New York, Shanghai, Riga, Moscow. 2013. given the art maker status.