Murari, Timeri N.
Translated by:
Žalytė-Steiblienė, Danguolė
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The first time they meet is in the palace, during Meena Bazaar (a market held for fun in the Great Mughal’s palace during New Year’s festival). They fell in love the moment their eyes met, but they couldn’t be together just yet. 5 years passed from the day they first met to their wedding day. Although they’d only met a few times during those years, their love has never faded away. When they could finally be together, their love only grew bigger. More
Rushdie, Salman
Translated by:
Žalytė, Danguolė
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2015, 2002
Sensational novel, closing the Indian Muslim community, for the desecration of Islamic, Iranian spiritual leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in Tehran published a fatwa – a death sentence to the writer on the radio – this is what you can see in the Google search box after entering “Satanic Verses”. After reading this kind of article curiosity overcomes, the reader grabs the novel not even making a glance at the back of the book to check the description, they read the first page the ruminative gaze begins, after twenty pages they get to hundred trying to understand what his fantasy had to generate, but no understanding comes to mind, but this sense coms not in vain. This happens due to a simple reason, the person reading this novel perhaps is the westerner (you may ask, why westerner? Because in Islamic world this book is prohibited), many things he does not understand is because he has shortfall of information, because everything in the novel has a religious context, starting from the Islamic religion and ending with Veda teaching. When reading this kind of a book one should find put more about great religions, because it is a major “spice” – a religious context. More
Mistry, Rohinton
Translated by:
Žalytė, Danguolė
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Mumbai India 1975, a country declared a State of Emergency. A country surrounded by such circumstances lead four different peoples destinies to collide. A middle aged widow , two tailors and a student from Himalayas. All of them have experienced cruelty and injustice of this world, however by trying to create brighter and independent future for themselves, they all ended up under one roof of a small flat. This coincidence became the biggest happiness for all four souls, however the fate … More
Rushdie, Salman
Translated by:
Žalytė-Steiblienė, Danguolė
Translated from:
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The novel reveals about the era of oddities that started in the twelfth century. At the exiled philosopher Ibn Rushd’s doorstep appears jinn princess Dunia. She falls in love with the mortal philosopher and starts having his children, one after another. They all have a specific feature – they are born without earlobes. Many years pass since then. A crack appears in the universe during a storm in New York, letting in the destructive jinns that follow another twelfth century’s philosopher More