Azijos studijos Lietuvoje - Past events
Asian studies in Lithuania

Past events

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Lecture about Yogarenginys


Date and time: 2018-010-09 20:00 - 2018-10-09 21:00
Location: Bonsai studija, Ramybės g. 23, Alytus

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Lectures on Chinese Buiddhismrenginys


Date and time: 2018-10-08 18:30 - 2018-10-11 20:00
Location: Vilniaus universiteto Konfucijaus institutas, M.K. Čiurlionio g. 21, II korpusas, Vilnius

Vilnius university Confucius Institute invites all those who are interested in cultural, social and philosophical aspects of Buddhism in China to attend public lectures which will be delivered by Märt Läänemets.

Märt Läänemets – Associate professor at the Centre for Oriental Studies, University of Tartu, an author of many monographs such as: “On the Meaning of ‘Good Friendship’ in Buddhism”, “Towards a Theory of ‘Awakening More…

St. Christopher Chamber Orchestra and Exotics of Japanrenginys


Date and time: 2018-10-14 16:00 - 2018-10-14 17:20
Location: Šv. Kotrynos bažnyčia, Vilniaus g. 30, Vilnius

On 14 October St. Christopher Chamber Orchestra starts it‘s concert season and invites to immerse into exotic Japan!

In exceptional concert, we will hear a world premier by famous Japanese composer Atsuhiko Gondai, selected unheard pieces of Japanese composers. The soloist that will perform together with the orchestra is Mizuki Aita – a percussion virtuoso from the heart of Japan, a city inhabited by millions, unforgettable Tokyo. A special place in More…

Asia Got Waxed by Sheep Got Waxedrenginys


Date and time: 2018-10-19 19:30 - 2018-10-19 21:30
Location: VU Planetariumas, Konstitucijos pr. 12A, Vilnius

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Documentary “Laila at the Bridge”renginys


Date and time: 2018-10-13 13:30 - 2018-10-13 15:15
Location: Lietuvos nacionalinė Martyno Mažvydo biblioteka, Gedimino pr. 51, Vilnius

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Kyokushin Karate Kaunas championship 2018renginys


Date and time: 2018-10-13 10:00 - 2018-10-13 16:00
Location: Kyokushin Kaunas, Kovo 11 g. 13A, Kaunas

This year is the second time when kyokushin karate fighters will start the season in the international competition called “Kaunas Championship 2018”.

Tournament organizers, kyokushin karate clubs “OSU” and “SHORI”, who brought together more than 500 participants last year, this autumn have bigger goals. They want to organize not only a memorable event for fighters on the tatami, but olso encourage people to lend a helping hand for other fighters – those who have More…

Screening of the documentary “Kaunas, the City of Sugihara and Japan”renginys


Date and time: 2018-10-19 16:00 - 2018-10-19 17:30
Location: Pasaulio anykštėnų kūrybos centras, Vilniaus g. 36, Anykščiai

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Lecture about Contemporary Art in Chinarenginys


Date and time: 2018-10-19 15:00 - 2018-10-19 17:00
Location: Kauno Menininkų Namai, V. Putvinskio g. 56, Kaunas

Chinese curator Xia Yanguo’s lecture “The Present Situation of Contemporary Chinese Art – Through Several Exhibitions” will focus on the changes in Chinese contemporary art since 2010 and the current situation today. Through a series of independent projects and art gallery projects, he will analyze the current situation of Chinese art creation and art institutions (museums, non-profit institutions, etc.) in the context of globalization and how to deal with these challenges. More…

Japanese Books Covers and the Cultism of Haruki Murakamirenginys


Date and time: 2018-10-18 17:30 - 2018-10-18 18:30
Location: Vilniaus universiteto biblioteka, Universiteto g. 3, Vilnius

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“Gian Trio” and Rahele Barzegari (Iran)renginys

Date and time: 2018-10-21 18:00 - 2018-10-21 20:00
Location: Kauno kultūros centras, Kęstučio g. 1, Kaunas

Persian classical music is one of the oldest and most remarkable Eastern music customs – its source even reaches the era of ancient civilizations. Among the most popular Persian instruments – tare (five-legged long-necked lutes), setar (four-legged lutes), daf (large narrow-frame drum with metal chainsaws), tambourine (a stringed instrument with three or more strings), ney (a flute instrument belonging to the flute family), which are presented by magical sounds of the Gian Trio and Rahele Barzegari (Raha) – Persian, Kurdish, Sufi traditional music performers. More…

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Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU