Asian studies in Lithuania
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How does Japan work?

Author: Kleiva, Andrius

“I will see what can I do for Japan and what Japan can do for me. This book is the result of that project.” with these words, the author presents the idea of this book. Because of such words reader is able to understand that this book will certainly not be a dry academic textbook or information guide, how to survive in Japan. A. Kleiva describes this book as an entirety of his personal experiences, thoughts, and stories he was able to collect during his life in Japan. More

Kuksando. Road Book

Author: Kumža, Algirdas

Kuksando is a thousand years old Korean education system of body and spirit. It is a Korean wisdom school which helps people to discover the harmony of their emotions, body, and mind, recover youthful energy and overcome stress. Due to meditation, physical movements, specific breathing techniques human beings can become persevering and strong both physically and spiritually. More

Anthropology of the History of Religions, Part III. Confucianism, Daoism, Shinto

Loreta Poškaitė – sinologist, orientalist, religious scholar, who has written lots of articles about Asia’s religion, mostly about Daoism. Based on her articles, in the year of 2002 the third volume of “Anthropology of the history of religions” about Confucianism, Daoism and Shintoism was published. Book is divided into three parts. Every part consists of introductory article about one of the religions, the fragments from the original “holy” book, or religion founder thoughts. More

Chinese Wisdom About Happiness, Health and Love

This book would be handy to anyone because it explicitly explores a millennia of Chinese expertise in finding harmony between the body and the soul, the secret foundations to wellness, happiness and love. It requires to take into account the cycles of time and the provisions of one’s sex life, and most importantly, being in harmony with nature and the universe.

Chinese philosophy does not hide any ideas or abstract truths. Their philosophy is the ability to act duly at any moment, More

Spaces of Imagination: Traditional Chinese Aesthetics and Art

Author: Andrijauskas, Antanas

The book “Spaces of Imagination: Traditional Chinese Aesthetics and Art” which is written by Lithuanian philosopher, cultural historian, art critic, civilization theorist Antanas Andrijauskas aims to introduce a reader to the history, philosophy and problems of Chinese art. Also, it presents the history, the development and the context of Chinese art and aesthetics. In this book much attention is paid to Chinese poetry, calligraphy, landscape painting. The concepts of art, artwork, their More

The Clash Between Chine, India and Russia in Eurasia’s Civilizational Spaces

Author: Andrijauskas, Konstantinas

In this book there is complexly described about three Eurasian greatest countries – China’s, India’s and Russia’s – regional level in foreign and inside policy. This book let’s us talk about a geopolitically exclusive strategic triangle which has influence in a two-way mutual relationship and global policy. The order of these three greatest Eurasia’s countries is not random, because China, India and Russia during the researching period of time (In the past sixteen years of 21st More

Lead by Soft Power: Communication of Country’s Image and Japan

Author: Zykas, Aurelijus

It seems that Nietzsche was right saying that “All things are enlinked, enlaced and enamoured”. Dr. Aurelijus Zykas, the professor of Vytautas Magnus University and the head of the Centre for Asian Studies during the Vilnius Book Fair 2018 introduced his new monograph Lead by Soft Power: Communication of Country’s Image and Japan. Precisely in this, his already second published book, A. Zykas, while using his own and referring to works and researches of other sociologists, More

Traditional Aesthetics and Art Theory of East Asia

Author: Andrijauskas, Antanas

The author’s Antanas Andrijauskas 40 years long career is very colorful and diverse. A philosopher, civilization theoretician, specialist of cultures and arts, has written hundreds of scientific papers on Lithuanian, Israeli and East Asian cultures. However, in his works, professor mostly focuses on the latter. In trilogy’s ’’History of Aesthetics and Art Philosophy Ideas: East – West’’ second book ’’Traditional Aesthetics and Art Theory of East Asia’’, author overviews China’s and Japan’s traditional art development and analyzes its aesthetical features. More

Red and Green Taiwan

Author: Zykas, Aurelijus

“Red and Green Taiwan” is yet another carefully crafted and endearing travel book after “The Colors and Flavors of Japan”, both written by Aurelijus Zykas. The first thing that catches the reader’s eye is the book cover – a picture of a stunningly beautiful Taiwanese temple. The first few pages greets the reader with breathtaking picturesque visuals of the local nature, accompanied by a few quotes from Chinese philosopher Zhuangzi whose ideas and thoughts can be found scattered throughout the book in an intermezzo style in-between the author’s journey through Taiwan. More

Typhoon Wrath

Author: Laurinčiukas, Albertas

Lithuanian journalist and author Albertas Laurinčiukas has released many travel books which have won several prizes, such as ,, Cooper Sun’’, ,,Black Blood’’ and many more, is coming back with a book “Typhoon wrath” which has also won a prize. In this book the author shares his experiences in Asia, many conversations with many people, full of color traditions, cultures, languages and the distinct rhythm of life.

The Author’s journey began in Tokyo in the international Haneda aerodrome from which, the wind carried him to Mongolia’s steppes near the Buir Nur river. Then, when the wheels of the plane had touched the concrete grounds of Kabul aerodrome, then he had officially landed in Afghanistan. The Pacific Ocean brought him to Vietnam. From there the author travelled to less known countries such as: Kampuchea and Laos which surprised them with their simplicity. He carried on to the colorful Hong Kong, from there on the journey continued to the smell of sampaguita blossoms in the Philippines. In India the author was friendly welcomed by the stone statue of shiva, in Al- Qurnah the Heaven’s garden. All these journeys fill humans with so much experience and the opportunity for the reader to learn about these places.

Despite ,,Typhoon wrath’’ being a travel book as it can look from the first glance. It is filled with a lot of interesting facts, witty comments which draw you in into the depts of Asia.

Albertas Laurinčiukas in the book ‘’Typhoon Wrath’’ acquaints the reader with the daily life of a Western viewpoint with the unknown and odd world. Which inspires us with unique life spices and history from the Eternal Time river in India, to his first journey story.

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Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU