Asian studies in Lithuania
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The God Of Small Things

Authors: Roy, Arundhati
Translated by: Žalytė, Danguolė
Translated from: English
Published on: 2013

Arundhati Roy‘s romance „The God Of Small Things“ – colorful, dynamic and passionate dance of life. Its precious moment of dazzling, burning afternoon in Kerala was secretly caught in writer‘s mind and imprisoned in book sheets. The story intertwines everything: life and its insidious partner death, careless laughter of children and mumbling, unsatisfied elders, castes of intouchables and touchables. The professor of KTU claims that ‚India is an area where people face similar … More

Joseph Anton: A Memoir

Authors: Rushdie, Salman
Translated by: Šorys, Albinas
Translated from: English
Published on: 2013

This is a book of memoirs, which tells about the period when a writer Salman Rushdie was threatened to death (it is called fatwa) by the political leader of Iran because of his book „The Satanic Verses“,  which was accused of being against Islam, the Prophet and the Quran. Joseph Anton was the writer‘s pseudonym during his hiding period, which was created by making combination from his favourite authors’ Chekhov and Cornado names. In the first chapter of this book S.Rushdie briefly but More

Secret Daughter

Authors: Gowda, Shilpi Somaya
Translated by: Žalytė, Danguolė
Translated from: English
Published on: 2012

The story begins in 1984, India, Dahanum city. A poor woman Kavita is yet again pregnant with a girl in a country, where only boys matter. A girl will not be able to work, will be just another mouth to feed and will require a dowry later in life. That’s why Kavita’s husband Jasu is not happy when he sees the newborn. Kavita’s first baby girl was lost immediately after birth to infanticide, so she couldn’t let that happen again. She decides to travel to Bombay and leave her at an More

Opening the door of your heart

Authors: Ajahn Brahm
Translated by: Bytautė, Inga
Translated from: English
Published on: 2012

This book is a collection of tutorial stories. They teaches the importance of motivation, self confidence, looking for happiness and determination. They teach you, what to do if a burden of your problems seems too big, if envy obscures eyes, if it seems like life doesn’t entertain you anymore. This book shows you all the answers, you just have to let them teach you. The writer often remembers his teacher Ajahn Chah from the north-east, which was also teaching by telling stories, most of them Ajahn  Brahm remembers, and shares in his book. Hi wrote this book inspired by his fan, this woman suffered from severe depression and Ajahn Brahm stories saved her from a suicide, this event encouraged him to release this book.



Authors: Jayadeva
Translated by: Jaskūnas, Valdas
Translated from: Sanskrit
Published on: (Lietuvių) 2012

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The Twentieth wife

Authors: Sundaresan, Indu
Translated by: Žalytė, Danguolė
Translated from: English
Published on: 2011

Mehr un Nissa, a daughter of emperor Akbar’s courtier, fell in love with forthcoming heir to the emperor’s throne – prince Salym , when she was just a child. The girl cherished her dreams about him for many years, until they finally met. From that moment they started to live in each other’s thoughts. However, they did not meant to be together. They lived in a culture, where obedience and loyalty could not be ignored. Mehr un Nissa, of an edict of emperor Akbar, married Ali Quli, a man who served in the army.

Shortly after the marriage, emperor Akbar died and Salym inherited the throne and received a new name – Jahangir. However, even when he fulfilled his biggest dream to become an emperor of Mughal, he could not forget Mehr un Nissa. A girl, who was burdened by unhappy marriage and inability to have children, had only one bright thing in her life – memories of prince Salym and thoughts about what her life would be if she became Jahangir’s wife and empress. More

In the Name of Honor

Authors: Mukhtar Mai
Translated by: Karazijaitė, Jūratė
Translated from: French
Published on: 2011

”In the Name of Honor” is a true Pakistani woman Mukhtar Mai story that begins with a crime against humanity. When speculations that Mukhtar twelve junior brother had met a girl from another clan, in convened village court, they require compensation for damage to women\’s honour. Sacrifice for a crime: Mukhtar is condemned for group rape, for alleged brother’s crime, who eventually detected as false.

The sentence was executed! 2002 June 22, for desecrated 28-year-old woman is extremely difficult to recover, especially in an environment where women are stigmatized not only by offenders, but can be misunderstood by surrounding environment. Following the example of other women, raped and humiliated Mukhtar, it seems, there remained only one way out – suicide. However this woman\’s determination, courage and persistence, because of the fear to loose her live and for safety of loved ones, as well as blind faith in its own country and its justice made her speak. More

Shadow Princess

Authors: Sundaresan, Indu
Translated by: Žalytė, Danguolė
Translated from: English
Published on: 2010

Sundaresan (The Twentieth Wife ) returns to 17th-century India in this romantic fictionalization of the life of Jahanara, the oldest child of the empress Mumtaz Mahal, Shah Jahan’s cherished wife. Mumtaz dies in childbirth, leaving four sons, two teenage daughters and a newborn girl. The grief-stricken emperor seeks consolation in the construction of the Taj, the magnificent Luminous Tomb, while the profundity of his mourning exposes his fallibility to his sons, who begin eyeing his throne. Jahanara and her sister Roshanara choose to back different brothers, and they compete to rule in both the royal harem and their father’s heart. Before long, Jahanara is the one who succeeds as the emperor’s closest confidante, and he refuses to allow her to leave him to marry. More

The Enchantress of Florence

Authors: Rushdie, Salman
Translated by: Žalytė, Danguolė
Translated from: English
Published on: 2008

According to author “The Enchantress of Florence “is his most researched book which required “years and years of reading“. This is a story about three best friends who lived in Florence in the age of Lorenzo de’ Medici and a story of Akbar, greatest of the Mughal emperors. Both of these stories are connected by a mysterious young men, who has several names, knows many languages and all his life has been traveling around the world. This young man came to Mughal Empire to reveal the most import secret of his life. He introduced himself as Mogor dell’Amore and claim that he is a long lost relative of Akbar and his mother is Princess Qara Koz. More

Slumdog millionaire

Authors: Swarup, Vikas
Translated by: Keturakis, Ugnius
Translated from: English
Published on: 2008

Famous Indian writer Vikas Swarup‘s novel “Q & A“, which was later named “Slumdog Millionaire“, received many awards and international recognition. According to this novel a movie was created. Movie does not follow novel step by step, but still plot more or less is the same. Both have story, which goes in similar direction and main point– not luck, but human, himself brings happiness.

The beginning of novel’s story is marked by protagonist Ram Mohammad Thomas’s confinement. And the reason for this, ridiculous, but he won a television show “Who Will Win a Billion?”! He is tortured for cheating, but still Ram insists that these are wrong accusations. Torture lasts for a few days until he is saved by a smart lawyer Smita Shah. At first our charming lawyer does not believe Ram’s story, so, to remove accusations he must tell her how each TV show’s questions are connected to his life. So for the first time in the story he uses “Lucky coin” and readers get to know how much happiness and unhappiness, unusual events he has experienced. More

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Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU