Asian studies in Lithuania
Original language: English
Translated from: English
Authors: Swarup, Vikas
Translated by: Keturakis, Ugnius
Full translated source bibliographical description:

Swarup, Vikas. Q & A. London: Black Swan, 2006.

ISBN: 978-9955-38-312-3
Published in: Vilnius
Published on: 2008
Publisher: Alma Littera

Famous Indian writer Vikas Swarup‘s novel “Q & A“, which was later named “Slumdog Millionaire“, received many awards and international recognition. According to this novel a movie was created. Movie does not follow novel step by step, but still plot more or less is the same. Both have story, which goes in similar direction and main point– not luck, but human, himself brings happiness.

The beginning of novel’s story is marked by protagonist Ram Mohammad Thomas’s confinement. And the reason for this, ridiculous, but he won a television show “Who Will Win a Billion?”! He is tortured for cheating, but still Ram insists that these are wrong accusations. Torture lasts for a few days until he is saved by a smart lawyer Smita Shah. At first our charming lawyer does not believe Ram’s story, so, to remove accusations he must tell her how each TV show’s questions are connected to his life. So for the first time in the story he uses “Lucky coin” and readers get to know how much happiness and unhappiness, unusual events he has experienced.

Furthermore, he has met some quite famous Bollywood actors, which made his life even more movie look-alike. Finally, Ram begins his story from childhood, and not following sequential order one time tells about recent events, other times again distant childhood memories according to questions (but this makes novel more interesting and different!). This way, by telling stories protagonist starts remembering his best friend Salim Ilyasi, actor Armaan Ali, who was not as perfect as everybody believed, Father Timothy, who was both priest and father to Ram, life with Salim and drunkard neighbor, who abused his wife and daughter, employer Mr. Taylor, man who knew everything, but it still was not enough, unbelievable story, which he heard while working in the bar, train robbery, old soldier, assassin, whom Salim had met, actress Neelima Kumari and her tragedy, good friend Shankar and most important person, first love Nita. Unfortunately, all his stories have a sad ending, but, let’s hope, events and Ram’s good deeds can help him in the future, which might not be as cruel as past was.

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU