Neimantas, Romualdas
“Nuo Nemuno iki Fudzijamos. Susitikimai su Japonija” is a popular science book about Japan; informative but also appealing to everyone. R. Neimantas introduces the history of Japanese studies and Orientalism in Lithuania and later moves on to the cultural and historical features of Japan itself. He describes Japanese nature, culture, unique Japanese lifestyle features, traditions, religions, philosophy and art.
Kairys, Steponas
This is the first book about Japan written by politician and public figure Steponas Kairys. While only 16 pages long book, he describes Japanese nature and history.
Dalia Švambarytė
The monograph compares the links between medieval Japanese and Chinese literature. The text answers the question of how Japanese integrity of perceiving the world andthe vitality of Japanese speech was preserved under the conditions of the dynamic interaction of texts.
Repečkaitė, Daiva
Throughout the history of its representation in the European and North American eyes, China has been viewed as unique, but at the same time placing it on a politico-cultural grid was perceived as a necessity to make theories and discourses work. After a brief period of positioning China in post-socialist transition, its place in representation changed to an exploitative pool of cheap labour and then – to an emerging superpower. Therefore China is as much a testing ground for theories about the development of capitalism and world political systems as it was in the 19th century. The empirical part of this publication discusses how cultural theories, symbols and images powerfully shape the discourse around China in rationalist, economically oriented elite media, and then discusses the role of experts, who position themselves as intermediaries, fluctuating in the field of the rules of various genres of knowledge production. Based on media discourse analysis and interviews with the experts, the author shows how different methods of knowledge production and claim-making interact in shaping political positions at the EU level.
Kairys, Steponas
One of the first three books about Japan published in 1906. Written by polititian and public figure Steponas Kairys. In this book author describes the political and social issues before the Japanese constitution was created. The book includes an explanation of what is a constitution and citations of the actual constitution.
Kairys, Steponas
One of the first three books about Japan published in 1906. Written by polititian and public figure Steponas Kairys. This book covers topics related to the Japanese agriculture, road system, economy, industry, education, and religion.
Andrijauskas, Antanas
“Traditional Japanese Aesthetics and Art” is one of the first Western books covering Japanese aesthetic history from the early ages to the end of the XIX century. Japanese aesthetics, unlike that of India and China, does not have ancient traditions extending over thousands of years. It is more sensitive to external influences, to changes. The evolution of aesthetic thought in the Land of the Rising Sun gave birth to a world of unique categories, to distinctive principles of aesthetic understanding and art appreciation. In no other country on earth have aesthetic feeling and artistic values been able to take such firm root in everyday life. Most assuredly, the historical mission of the Japanese people is to exalt beauty and art. One of the most distinctive features of Japanese culture and aesthetic consciousness is that those areas of human creative expression which remain marginal in other cultures acquire extreme importance in Japan and become the focus of intense aesthetic reflection and artistic creation.
Šalčius, Matas
In 1929, Šalčius together with other famous Lithuanian traveler Antanas Poška began a great journey through the Balcans, Greece, Egypt, Middle East, India and far East countries.After this travel he published six-volume series Svečiuose pas 40 tautų (Visiting 40 nations), which was awarded the National Press Prize. More
Neimantas, Romualdas
The author describes Japanese culture, art, literature, introduces to its traditions and lifestyle through his own impressions of travels to Japan, as well as, using documentary materials.
Authors of the articles: Vygandas Aleksandravičius, Antanas Andrijauskas, Rasa Andriušytė-Žukienė, Vaclovas Bagdonavičius, Jonas Balčius, Audrius Beinorius, Rūta Guzevičiūtė, Valdas Jaskūnas, Dalius Jonkus, Stanislovas Juknevičius, Česlovas Kalenda, Auksė Kapočiūtė, Vladimir Korobov, Bronislovas Kuzmickas, Basia Nikiforova, Aistė Niunkaitė-Račiūnienė, Marija Oniščik, Loreta Poškaitė, Dainius Razauskas, Oresta Rėgalaitė, Vytautas Rimša, Vytautas Rubavičius, Dalia Marija Stančienė, Aivaras Stepukonis, Regimantas Tamošaitis, Daiva Tamošaitytė, Hidemichi Tanaka, Vytautas Tumėnas, Algis Uždavinys, Gintautas Vyšniauskas.