Asian studies in Lithuania
Original language: Russian
Translated from: Russian
Composers: Tiomkinas, Eduardas, Ermanas, Vladimiras
Translated by: Čepeliene, Danute
Full translated source bibliographical description:

Темкин, Э. A., Эрман, B. Г. Мифы древней Индии. Москва: Hаука, 1986

ISBN: 5-417-00217-8
Published in: Vilnius
Published on: 1989
Publisher: Mintis

Authors, based on the famous Indian  epics, myths and folk tales tries to retell rich vedic mythological scenes. The book is represented for a reader to introduce with the most popular and the most artistic myths of the ancient India.

The myths are clasified from the creation of the world to individual Gods and Goddess. It also explains their birth, death or relations between them. At the end of the book reader can find name index. It allows to find myth according to Gods or Goddess name. The book is rich of ancient Indian culture, wich, in the authors opinion let‘s readers to understand Indians world of  religion and customs.

In the introduction to book it is mentioned about Vedas and it‘s influence to ancient Indian literature. The book is based on Rigveda‘s myths which is also the earliest mythical text of Indo-European nations. While reading and analysing these myths it is easy to find similarities with the Greek pantheon. This kinship makes it easier to understand Indian mythological system.

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU