Translated from: Hebrew
Authors: Oz, Amos
Translated by: Gudelytė, Kristina
Full translated source bibliographical description:
Amos Oz 2002 Sipur al ahava ve-chošek. Tel Aviv
ISBN: 978-5-417-01060-6
Published in: Vilnius
Published on: 2013
Publisher: Mintis
(Lietuvių) http://www.patogupirkti.lt/knyga/Pasakojimas-apie-meile-ir-tamsa.html
Jews, go back to Palestine, – this is what in almost every corner of the world inscriptions on the walls were shouting. Growing anti-Semitism in Europe and repressions during World War II, led millions of Jews to listen to this advice. Now the world again suddenly stood up shouting Jews, get out from Palestine. World War II experiences, the British administration in Palestine and painful birth of the State of Israel, entwined with personal experiences, family …and friends stories, were revealed by Amos Oz (b. 1939 ) in autobiographical novel A tale of love and darkness.
In the book, through sensitive and intelligent boy\’s, and later a teenager\’s and a young man\’s prism, story of few family generations life in Lithuania, Ukraine, Palestine and later on in newly created state of Israel,is told. However, writer\’s personal family history intertwines with the history of the entire nation. That was a result of living in well – educated Eastern European Jew\’s favorite district. Poets and essayists,who kept inciting spirit of nation, were working here,philosophers were reflecting on past and the future of Jews. Story about life of Jews in Palestine even before creating the state of Israel and after it was established, is a kind of encyclopedia, permeated with personal experiences of writer, and is reaching nation\’s cultural, political, religious and social phenomena.