Asian studies in Lithuania
Original language: Chinese
Translated from: German
Translated by: Jurgaitė, Alma
Full translated source bibliographical description:

Chinesische volksmarchen. Praha: Artia, 1968

Published in: Vilnius
Published on: 1973
Publisher: Vaga

“Chinese fairy tales” is a collection of 34 traditional Chinese stories, that helps us to discover this country through its tales. Surprisingly, it has many similarities to the Lithuanian fairy tales — the hero is often a poor orphan girl, abused by her evil stepmother or a brave young man facing all the challenges with courage alone. Virtue and selflessness always wins while greedy rich folk get what they deserve. Many of these stories are about love and how it might be lost forever if …you’re being careless. Some of the most beautiful tales are about creation of such objects of nature as the Huanghe river or Sun and Moon.

This collection is a great way to start learning about Chinese culture as it\’s very easy to read and the fairy tales vary from melancholic tales of love to short stories making fun of the rich and the lazy. For this reason it\’s a good read not only for children, but for adults as well.

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU