Asian studies in Lithuania
Original language: English
Translated from: English
Authors: XIV Dalai Lama
Translated by: Kugevičius, Algirdas
Full translated source bibliographical description:

His Holiness the Dalai Lama XIV, The Four Noble Truths, Thorsons Publishers, London, 1998.

ISBN: 9955-518-12-X
Published in: Kaunas
Published on: 2004
Publisher: R. Anankos

His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s XIV book “The Four noble truths” is an introduction to the basics of Buddhism. Only after realising these four truths it is possible to practice the teachings of Buddha (Dharma). The book is dedicated to the people from the western world, it addresses the main Buddhist (according to Madhjamak philosophical school of Buddhism) principles talks about the importance of religion to man in general and religious tolerance.

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU