Asian studies in Lithuania
Original language: English
Translated from: English
Authors: Hopkins, Jeffrey, XIV Dalai Lama
Translated by: Sakalinskaitė, Ieva
ISBN: 978-609-01-0193-3
Published in: Vilnius
Published on: 2011
Publisher: Alma littera

Buddhist psychology deals with how the human mind works. The Dalai Lama applies these insights and helps readers to manage those processes on the basis of their own experience. He affirms that people  distort their perception of the mind and the body, which induces the wrong opinion about themselves and the environment that surrounds them – what it truly is.

With an incorrect perception, man is constantly pulling himself into difficulties, but when he develops insights – he can free himself and him surrounding people from those difficulties.  With this book, His Holiness  aims to contribute global peace-building explaining Buddhist insights, as how to find the source of severe, negative feelings and to replace those feelings with insight and love. The book is for everyone; no matter what their religion is, nationality, etc. It is suitable for anyone who is looking for ways to develop the internal decisions, to educate  introspection.

“The Dalai Lama shows us that when we lack of true self-cognition, we harm ourselves: wrong, abnormally we recognize ourselves, other people, external events, and material things.”- “How to See Yourself as You Really Are”.

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU