Established at:
The objective of Asian Centre is to contribute to internationalization of the Mykolas Riomeris University, to promote mutual understanding between Asia and Europe, through the exchange of intellectual, cultural and human resources and to internationally promote the name of the University.
The MRU Asian Centre seeks to initiate cooperation with studies and cultural institutions in South Korea, Japan, China and other Asian region states. More
Established at:
The Centre of Oriental Studies is the main institution in Lithuania a branch of Vilnius University preparing the specialist in the field of Asia and Middle East and unifying researchers of East. The main objective of the Centre is to prepare specialists in Asia who are needed for science, culture and business and to form an adequate understanding of Eastern cultures in Lithuania, initiate the dialogue between East and West.
The Centre conducts intensive scientific work, employs six research groups, publishes the periodical scientific magazine More
The Oriental Language School is a unit of the Orientalist Center of the University of Vilnius, operating since 2002. The school provides the opportunity to study Asian and Close and Middle East languages at the beginner and advanced levels. Currently there are Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Turkish, Korean, Tibetan, Hindi, Sanskrit, Farsi (Persian), Dari, Pashto, Mongolian, Simplified, Zulu language courses. Exercises are led by the lecturers of Vilnius University. Administration of School of Oriental Languages in Oriental Studies Center – Universiteto g.5, VU main building complex, L. Stuoka-Gucevičius yard.