Azijos studijos Lietuvoje - Past events
Asian studies in Lithuania

Past events

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Lecture “Japan and its People”renginys


Date and time: 2018-09-22 10:00 - 2018-09-22 12:00
Location: Alytaus Jotvingių gimnazija, Topolių g. 20, Alytus

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“Wu Wei” Season Opening – Mid-Autumn Festivalrenginys


Date and time: 2018-09-26 18:00 - 2018-09-26 20:00
Location: V. Putvinskio g. 23, Kaunas, 312 auditorija

After long break club ”Wu Wei” returns!

This year we will be opening our season by celebrating Mid – Autumn festival. We will be introducing some main facts about this festival, traditions and legends. After that there will be a lot of fun games and opportunity to make some new friends. We will be also serving some tea with snacks. More…

Japanese Green Tearenginys

Date and time: 2018-09-22 11:30 - 2018-09-22 15:00
Location: Salonas Jaukūs Namai, Juozapavičiaus pr. 21, Kaunas

Dating back to Ancient China, green tea is popular all over the world for its exclusive taste and health benefits.

In Japan, the green tea culture and traditions are especially unique. Aside from the most famous matcha tea, which is used during the tea ceremony, numerous kinds of green tea are produced in Japan, renowned for the vivid green color and mild, sweet More…

Concert by the Traditional Japanese Music Band “WA LEAGUE”renginys


Date and time: 2018-09-26 18:00 - 2018-09-26 19:30
Location: Marijampolės dramos teatras, P. Armino g. 2, Marijampolė

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Screening of the movie “Kapo in Jerusalem”renginys

Date and time: 2018-09-25 18:00 - 2018-09-25 19:38
Location: AsleKinas KUFA, Bangų g. 5A, Klaipėda

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Tea Drinking Ceremony Workshoprenginys


Date and time: 2018-09-29 10:00 - 2018-09-29 12:00
Location: Bonsai studija, Ramybės g. 23, Alytus

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Japanese Art of Wrappingrenginys


Date and time: 2018-09-29 11:30 - 2018-09-29 15:00
Location: Salonas Jaukūs Namai, Juozapavičiaus pr. 21, Kaunas

The Japanese word furoshiki (風呂敷) is used to refer to a square of colorful fabric, which is traditionally used to wrap and carry various objects. Although it may look simple at first glance, there are countless ways to use furoshiki. A plain piece of cloth can be easily transformed into a lovely bag, purse or gift wrap. You can pack anything from books and boxes to watermelons, if only you pick the right size! This Saturday, the boutique “Jaukūs namai“ kindly invites you to take a closer look at furoshiki and learn some of the many More…

Tree Shaping Workshoprenginys


Date and time: 2018-10-06 10:0 - 2018-10-06 12:00
Location: Bonsai studija, Ramybės g. 23, Alytus

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Opening of King Sejong Institute in Kaunasrenginys


Date and time: 2018-10-05 15:00 - 2018-10-05 17:00
Location: KSI Kauans, 414 aud., V. Putvinskio g. 23, Kaunas

On October 5 we invite everyone to the official opening ceremony of King Sejong Institute (KSI) in Kaunas at Vytautas Magnus University. The event will start at 15:00 and take place at the 4th floor gallery of V. Putvinskio str. 23 building. After opening greetings, we will invite everyone to see Korean calligraphy exhibition, which is organized in cooperation with Korean community in Lithuania, and enjoy some light snacks. More…

Laurita & Shono bandrenginys


Date and time: 2018-10-05 19:00 - 2018-10-06 21:00
Location: Lietuvos kompozitorių sąjunga, A. Mickevičiaus g. 29, Vilnius

Two rivers. Two nations. Two genetic pools. Two songs. One melody.

Aleksander Shono – professional Buryat musician, singer and storyteller. He is an outstanding master of throat singing, who plays traditional Buryat and Mongolian instruments and tells ancient legends and uligery in authentic and enchanting way. More…

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Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU