Azijos studijos Lietuvoje - Past events
Asian studies in Lithuania

Past events

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Lead by soft power. Image, world and Japanrenginys


Date and time: 2018-02-22 14:00 - 2018-02-22 15:00
Location: LITEXPO, Laisvės pr. 5, Vilnius

During the Vilnius Book Fair on Thursday, February 22nd, at 2:00 P.M., in the Conference Hall 1.2, a discussion with the doc. Aurelijus Zykas “Lead by soft power. Image, world and Japan” (led by Richard Jonaitis).

During the event the newest Mr. A. Zykas’ monograph “Lead by soft power: communication of country’s image and Japan” will be presented, which will be available More…

Inana’s descent to the nether worldrenginys


Date and time: 2018-02-16 15:00 - 2018-02-16 16:40
Location: Lietuvos nacionalinis dramos teatras, Mažoji salė, Gedimino pr. 4, Vilnius

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Persian Music Workshoprenginys


Date and time: 2018-02-17 14:00 - 2018-02-17 18:00
Location: P. Kalpoko g. 1-26, Kaunas

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Conversation With a Cup of Tea: Nepalrenginys


Date and time: 2018-02-21 18:00 - 2018-02-02 19:30
Location: Pylimo g. 60, Vilnius

Our winter talks continue with stories from Nepal.
As seen through the eyes of three youth, volunteers in different social sectors:

– Monika on health: “Together with another volunteer from Hungary we are working with a Community health project, doing research in Taluwa and Thulachap villages. Discussing their health issues with local women, we aim to find out their level of knowledge on various illnesses and diseases, such as breast or cervical cancer, More…

Vilnius Book Fair 2018renginys

Date and time: 2018-02-22 10:00 - 2018-02-25 17:00
Location: LITEXPO, Laisvės pr. 5, Vilnius

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Opening of VMU Asia Weekrenginys


Date and time: 2018-03-05 13:00 - 2018-03-05 13:50
Location: VDU Mažoji salė, S. Daukanto g. 28

On March 5th, at VMU Small Hall the opening of VMU Asian Week will take place. It will start a week-long cycle of events dedicated to East Asian culture.

During the opening participants will be welcomed by the Chinese Ambassador H.E. Mr. Shen Zhifei, Korean Ambassador H. E. Mr. Sung-joo Choi and Japanese Consul Mr. Masaru Aniya.  More…

Open lectures about Chinarenginys


Date and time: 2018-02-27 12:15 - 2018-02-28 18:45
Location: Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, Kaunas

Time for Asia events start the spring semester with two open lectures about China. We are honored to present you Prof. Gao Fei from China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU). He previously held positions of Director of Study Center of China Diplomacy, Director of Research Office of CFAU, Deputy Secretary General of China National Association for International Studies (CNAIS), and Fulbright Visiting Scholar in George Washington University. Currently Prof. Gao is working as Assistant President and Academic Dean of CFAU. During his academic career he has published numerous books, articles and papers on China’s diplomacy and More…

Japanese Speech Contestrenginys

Date and time: 2018-03-05 14:00 - 2018-03-05 17:30
Location: VDU Mažoji salė, S. Daukanto g. 28, Kaunas

On the 5th of March VMU Japanese Culture Club HASHI invites you all to Japanese language reading contest . The best contestants will be rewarded with presents from Japan! In order to commemorate the 100th years of Lithuanian statehood, the theme for the 5th annual Japanese reading contest is going to revolve around Japanese and Lithuanian history.

Participants will be divided into 3 levels according to their Japanese language skills and will face different tasks. More…

Chinese Language Speech Contestrenginys


Date and time: 2018-03-05 14:30 - 2018-03-05 17:00
Location: VDU Didžioji aula, Gimnazijos g. 7, Kaunas

Chinese language and culture club “WuWei” together with Asian Studies centre (VMU) invites you to participate in the Chinese language Speech Contest 2018. It will be held during the Asian Week 2018, on the 5th of March.

The topic of the speech is for you to decide. You can choose one of three language levels – beginners, More…

Korean Language Contestrenginys

Date and time: 2018-03-05 14:30 - 2018-03-05 17:00
Location: V. Putvinskio g. 23, Kaunas, 106 auditorija

VMU is holding its annual Asian Week once again this spring and it will take place on March 5 -9. The first day of this week long event will be dedicated to languages. As a result of it, Korean culture club “Hallyu” and VMU Asian Studies Centre is inviting you to participate in the Korean language contest.

During the contest the participants will need to read a given short Korean text and the judges will evaluate your pronunciation and intonation. Participants with the best results will get Korea themed prizes. More…

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Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU