Neimantas, Romualdas
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The author of monograph “East and Lithuania” Romuald Neimantas, talks about India, Japan, China and other Eastern countries, especially about their cultural links with Lithuania. “East and Lithuania. From Neman River to the Ganges” is a book that is perfect not only for those who are interested in the East civilizations. The book is rich in biographies of well known researchers, travel descriptions, pictures, therefore it is able to maintain the attention from the first to the last page.
In the first chapter the author introduces the first travelers from Lithuania who had traveled to the pyramids. They are Mikolajus Radvila Našlaitėlis, Matas Šalčius and the first professional Lithuanian Egyptologist Marija Rudzinskaitė-Arcimavičienė.There are overviews of these travelers as well as their biographies, travel histories and their achievements. More
Neimantas, Romualdas
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The book ,,Gyvenimas ant ugnikalnio“ written by the associated professor Romualdas Neimantas, provides us with an opportunity to travel in time through the Land of the Raising Sun. Throughout this book there are presented various written articles about the ancient and modern life (from the writer‘s point of view) of Japan. The comprehension of modernity might have changed as well as Japan might have changed, while having in mind that it has turned into one of the most modern countries of the World and it has to be mentioned that more than 30 years have passed since the release of this book. However, having a chance to look at this country from different perspectives – is essentially valuable. The stories told by the author are not only impressions from his first journey to Japan but also stories which were collected from local citizens of this country. These stories provide the readers with an opportunity to have even a loser “touch” with a country which often seems so distant and covered in myths. More
Laurinčiukas, Albertas
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Lithuanian journalist and author Albertas Laurinčiukas has released many travel books which have won several prizes, such as ,, Cooper Sun’’, ,,Black Blood’’ and many more, is coming back with a book “Typhoon wrath” which has also won a prize. In this book the author shares his experiences in Asia, many conversations with many people, full of color traditions, cultures, languages and the distinct rhythm of life.
The Author’s journey began in Tokyo in the international Haneda aerodrome from which, the wind carried him to Mongolia’s steppes near the Buir Nur river. Then, when the wheels of the plane had touched the concrete grounds of Kabul aerodrome, then he had officially landed in Afghanistan. The Pacific Ocean brought him to Vietnam. From there the author travelled to less known countries such as: Kampuchea and Laos which surprised them with their simplicity. He carried on to the colorful Hong Kong, from there on the journey continued to the smell of sampaguita blossoms in the Philippines. In India the author was friendly welcomed by the stone statue of shiva, in Al- Qurnah the Heaven’s garden. All these journeys fill humans with so much experience and the opportunity for the reader to learn about these places.
Despite ,,Typhoon wrath’’ being a travel book as it can look from the first glance. It is filled with a lot of interesting facts, witty comments which draw you in into the depts of Asia.
Albertas Laurinčiukas in the book ‘’Typhoon Wrath’’ acquaints the reader with the daily life of a Western viewpoint with the unknown and odd world. Which inspires us with unique life spices and history from the Eternal Time river in India, to his first journey story.
Narvilas, Vytautas
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This creation of author Vytautas‘s Narvilas is for those, who are interested in India. And it‘s quite easy to understand why – apart from author‘s personal knowledge and experience, this book contains a lot of information from ancient Indian literature‘s „monuments“, like : Vedas, Upanishads, Mahabharata and others. A big range of variety of India can be found in this book, which contains : the doctrine of induism, philosophy, yoga, culture, legends, myths, innings, spiritual … More
Vedegytė, L., Mikalauskas, Vytautas
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With this travel book, authors present growing the Soviet Union country – Tajikistan. During the trip, the authors travel around whole of the country. They visit cotton fields and tell the country\’s ‚tresure‘ foundation history: all of the difficulties experienced by scientists, farmers,while creating the conditions for this crop to flourish in the country. They tell the story of the soldier how he became such and how he helped to rescue Lithuanian land from the Nazis. The story of … More
Liubeckis, Mykolas
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Valstybinė politinės ir mokslinės literatūros leidykla
Mykolas Liubeckis – photographer and journalist. Book is old, released in USSR therefore the country which is represented changed a lot.
In the book author depicts experiences received in „The Land of the rising Sun“ – Japan. The period during which author visited Japan was post World War II. He describes daily life of civilian people, political situation, economy. However, religion,traditions,arts and myths are not forgotten.
Book is rich of photographs – mostly made by author himself. They portray not only hard daily life of people but also rays of hope for better future.
Mironas, Ričardas
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In the book, “Twelve Hymns of the Rig Veda”, we explored the world of India, Sanskritology and Vedic tradition. This book is an original, serious work, still written in an ancient artistic form, and still of great interest for contemporary readers. The author of the book, R. Mironas, inspired many Lithuanians with this book, which was a first attempt to translate the ancient Vedic texts into the Lithuanian language. One of the first Lithuanians to study this text and make an excursion into Sanskrit mythology… His project was to open the eyes of Lithuanians to the world of India, its religion, culture, and philosophy, in short to show them another world.
When one reads this book attention ought to be paid to the structure. The author starts by introducing the texts by explaining the different terms used, such as Indo-Iranian (also known as Aryan) and Rig Veda, and the evolution of the Vedic texts, before presenting his translation (from an earlier German translation) of the texts themselves. More
Pilyponis, Justas
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”A mysterious stranger from India“ was released in 1939 and is believed to be one of the most famous Lithuanian novels written by a detective genre pioneer. Although the book is old and can look boring and dull, it is full of adventures and events.
Italy, Venice, two years after famous killer Zig-zag was caught and killed. Camillus Chateauraux was a small French daily correspondent who caught the horrifying killer. But after two years, the killer comes back and like never before – he kills Dutch consul Willian den Ouden. His gorgeous daughter Marie den Ouden is heartbroken, depressed and in shock. However, Camillus is trying to take care of her. Sadly, unsuccessfully – Zig-zag kidnaps the girl from her home in front of two men. The men remember seeing her like hypnotized, following someone orders. The question arises, as to whether Zig-zag is a human or not? Can he be a powerful yogi who uses his brain power and makes people obey him? This novel is quick to pull you in the action and is full of drama. More
Rudzinskaitė-Arcimavičienė, Marija
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„The Land of Gods and Perfume“ is a book which tells the story of Ethiopian culture, strongly affected by the Ancient Egyptian. Ethiopia is described as a mosaic of nations, a place where Egyptian influence is still felt to this day. Egyptian documents usually describe it as a perfume land. The book tells the story of the first Egyptian paharaoh woman Hatshepsut, who was commanded by god Ammon to send ships delegation to Ethiopia, formerly called Puntu. After reaching the Puntu she saw a rich country with good and civilized people, and a very similar appearance and clothing to the most Egyptians.
Although sketchy, Rudzinskaitė-Arcimavičienė’s booklet „The Land of Gods and Perfume“ was a relevant publication at the time, partly due to Italy’s policy toward Ethiopia, which the author experienced clearly at the International Congress of Orientalists in Rome in 1935.
Rudzinskaitė-Arcimavičienė, Marija
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VMU Faculty of Humanities
The book „Aigiptas“ (“Egypt) was released in 1936. It was written by Marija Rudzinskaitė-Arcimavičienė. She was a professional Egyptology pioneer in Lithuania and associate proffesor in department of General History in Vytautas Magnus University Faculty of Humanities. This is a first volume of „Senovės Rytų istorija“. The main object of research in this book are Egyptians and Assyrians-Babylonians.
The first chapter (introduction) of the book describes Ancient East culture and its influence to European culture, talks about sufficiently unclear and narrow Ancient Eastern historical sources. It also gives information about Ancient East history studies and its chronology. In the last part of first chapter Ancient Egypt timbers are being analyzed too. Second chapter of “Aigiptas” describes Egyptian history origins – from geographical conditions and their influence to living in this land, to Ancient Egyptian origin story. It also discusses all at that time available knowledge about Ancient Egypt. More