Asian studies in Lithuania


Unfinished dissertations

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Finished dissertations

The Impact of the US Military Transformation on Russian and Chinese Security Policy

Author: Karolis Aleksa
Institute: Vilnius university
Year of assertion: 2012

Although US remained the strongest military power in international system after the Cold War, it was still deeply concerned how to retain its military dominance in the longer term, that could guarantee US further predominance in solving major international issues. Three US military transformation initiatives, namely the transformation of the US conventional forces, the development of missile defense systems and long-range conventional precision-strike capability, are considered as the main instruments to maintain US military dominance in the future. Considering that for Russia and China, which are perceived as the major US opponents, the US military transformation emerged as a big challenge, the research problem is formulated as an attempt to understand whether and how the US military transformation poses a threat to Russia and China’s security and in turn, how this affects Russian and Chinese security policy towards the United States. More

Chinese and Turkish Immigrants in Lithuania: Origins, Continuity of Immigration and the Formation of

Author: Karolis Žibas
Institute: Vilnius University
Year of assertion: 2012

The dissertation seeks to comprehensively reveal the particular features of the beginning of Chinese and Turkish immigration (in the country of origin) and ending with the formation of migration networks (in the country of destination), which covers Chinese and Turkish social relations, their participation in the labour market, access to housing, education and social welfare. Finally, attitudes of the Chinese and Turkish immigrants towards long-term residency in Lithuania and acquisition of Lithuanian citizenship are analysed. The dissertation presents the newest statistical data about immigration dynamics and the dominant immigration structure in Lithuania. More

Šalies įvaizdžio politika. Japonijos XXI a. viešosios diplomatijos patirtys

Author: Aurelijus Zykas
Institute: Vytautas Magnus University, Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy
Year of assertion: 2011

Disertacijoje analizuojami Japonijos viešosios diplomatijos ypatumai ir pokyčiai XX-XXI a. sandūroje ir identifikuojami veiksniai, turintys įtaką Japonijos įvaizdžio formavimo sėkmei. Iškeliama darbo problema: kokiomis priemonėmis Japonijos vyriausybei pavyksta užtikrinti savo tarptautinio įvaizdžio sėkmę XXI a. pradžioje, ir kokie pagrindiniai iššūkiai jai kyla besikeičiančiame pasaulyje po Šaltojo karo. Disertacijoje savarankiškai sukonstruojama šalies įvaizdžio politikos struktūrinė-proceso schema, kurioje be tokių viešosios diplomatijos dėmenų kaip tikslai, objektas, subjektas, veiklos ir priemonės, didelis dėmesys skiriamas šalies įvaizdžio šaltinių veiksnio įtraukimui per enkapsuliavimo ir imanentinio trikampio mechanizmus.


Bai Juyi poezija kaip kiniškas intertekstas japonų klasikiniame tekste (lyginamoji studija) (Bai Juyi’s poetry as Chinese intertext in Japanese classical text: comparative approach)

Author: Dalia Švambarytė
Institute: Vilnius University
Year of assertion: 2005

Political, cultural and literary borrowings of Chinese origin are firmly rooted in the Japanese soil. Yang Guifei, a character of Tang dinasty’s China, was made immortal by Bai Juyi, and through his poem The Everlasting Sorrow made its way into Japanese literature. This article attempts to contribute to the discussion regarding the influence that her story made on Genji monogatari by concentrating on the polyphony of its reflections in personae and composition of Murasaki Shikibu’s narration, driving parallels between the temperaments in the Chinese poem, the Japanese novel and No drama Yōkihi, and arguing their differences in the light of buddhistic reintepretation of the Chinese morals in either The Tale of Genji or the No production. The article is supplied with Lithuanian translation of the Bai Juyi’s poem.

The Emergence of the New Paradigm of Order in Nishida and Merleau-Ponty Philosophy

Author: Arūnas Gelūnas
Institute: Vytautas Magnus University
Year of assertion: 2001

The author discusses the philosophical ideas of the so called “first Japanese philosopher” Kitaro Nishida and French  phenomenological philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty.

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Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU