Asian studies in Lithuania

Ryto rasos sodas (Garden of Morning Dew)

Authors: Ptakauskas, Kęstutis
Published in: Vilnius
Published on: 2016
Publisher: Aukso Pieva

Kestutis Ptakausko interest in Japanese gardens started by one incident in 1996. While on a holiday in Palanga, he accidentally saw a picture of a Japanese garden, which has made a significant impact on his life, because by seeing the picture he became interested in Japanese culture and wanted to create a similar garden that he saw. Even before the end of holiday in Palanga, he came back and threw himself into the garden development work.

This book, \”Ryto rasos sodas\”, the author wants to introduce Lithuanian readers with his hobby.

In the begining of the book it is described the different garden element which forms the whole garden. Early in the book  there is a brief description of the different garden elements, as well there is mentioned a couple important notions, which has no translation in Lithuanian language. A large part of the book consists of lanterns and bonsai trees descriptions of the types and how to maintain them.

In addition, the book describes the tea ceremony which takes place in the bonsai garden.For japan people the tea drinking process is more importent than the tea itself. This ceremony in Japan is from ancient times, so everyone who is interested in this culture, should try this ceremony and fell the meaning of it .

In summary, this book describes only a small, but for the author a very important part of Japanese culture. Reading this book, you can feel the authors  great passion for Japanese culture, especially bonsai trees.

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU