Authors: Devėnaitė, Violeta
Composers: Nenurodyta
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“Japanese I” is the first Lithuanian textbook for Japanese language. The author of the textbook is Violeta Devėnaitė, translator and Japanese language teacher with many years of experience. She teaches Japanese language and literature at Vilnius University, Institute of Asian and Transcultural Studies and conducts research in the Japanese grammar field. Her Japanese language learning tool provides the learner with the knowledge of the JLPT N5 level (equivalent with European A1 level).
Textbook is designed to focus on university/college students – it contains a large number of dialogue-type speaking tasks, interviewer questions and group tasks. Therefore, if you are not studying at university or other Japanese language lessons offering institution, it would be recommended to find a partner for these tasks. Various language learning websites and forums provide this opportunity. Nevertheless, the textbook can easily be used as an independent learning tool.
This textbook is divided into two parts (note: but there is only one book). Part I contains 16 topics covering the knowledge required for basic Japanese language proficiency. Each topic has a vocabulary, which was used in the lessons of that topic, grammatical explanations with examples, a question column, which contains the most useful questions with possible answers to them and practical exercises to consolidate knowledge. The author also adds a section of additional information to each topic, which focuses more on the use of grammar in a particular context, which helps to prevent misuse of it and to understand the differences between sentences of similar structure. At the end of the book there are the appendices, consisting of the first three topic grammar lessons and the first four lessons vocabularies in Latin characters (for the use of those, who have not learned hiragana and katakana syllabaries yet). Part II is dedicated for writing. It features 3 Japanese writing systems: hiragana, katakana and kanji. A brief introduction of the history of these writing systems and exercises for their learning are presented.
Before using this textbook, it is recommended to read the foreword from the beginning, since it provides tips on how to use the book, explains the structure in detail and highlights what to pay attention to. Together with this tutorial author advises using online language learning resources – their websites are mentioned in the foreword and second part of the book.