Asian studies in Lithuania
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Didžioji japonų pasakų ir legendų knyga I (The Great Book of Japanese Fairy Tales and Myths I)

Translated by: Mugenienė, Ilona

This book is a collection of Japanese fairy tales and myths from kojiki – the first Japanese book. 


Authors: Laozi
Translated by: Dalia Švambarytė

A book of classical Chinese philosophy by Laozi, including comprehensive commentaries by professor of Beijing Pedagogic University Zhang Yi and an article “Laozi and Taoism Ideas in Postmodern era” by Antanas Andrijauskas.


Authors: Yoshimoto, Banana
Translated by: Danieliūtė-Lapinskienė, Aušra
Translated from: Italian
Published on: 1996

This is a story about a girl and a boy who meet under strange circumstances. They are brought together by the loved ones’ death. In the face of death timid, warm and pure love is born. The main character in the book, Mikage Sakurai, has difficulties coping with her beloved grandmother, the last of the relatives, death. In this challenging period of her life as if out of nowhere Juichi appears who helps her realise the loss. A strange friendship slowly occurs between two of them. Everything is diversified by a very colorful person – Juichi’s mother, who is actually his transvestite father. The idyllic life at the trio’s home, where the action is boiling in the kitchen, is disturbed by another unexpected death. More

Secrets of Japanese Astrology. Kigaku Teaching

Authors: Mori, Takeo, Milenkovič, Dragan
Translated by: Kuisienė, Danguolė
Translated from: English
Published on: 1996

’’Secrets of Japanese Astrology. Kigaku Teaching’’ is a joint book written by two colleagues, Takeo Mori and Dragan Milenkovich. In this literary work, two Serbian and Japanese psychologists and astrology researchers share their knowledge of in the field of kigaku teaching.

The authors of the book explain kigaku as an ancient school of Japanese astrology, which is still used today. First developed in China and later taken over by the Japanese, kigaku is taken into consideration when choosing a life partner, friends, planning children or even deciding on the layout of a new home. According to the authors, knowing your date of birth and understanding the teachings of Japanese astrology can lead to a harmonious and happy life. More

A Certain Woman

Authors: Arishima, Takeo
Translated by: Griškevičius, Petras
Translated from: English
Published on: 1994

Arishima was born in Tokyo, Japan March 4, 1878. He was first sent to a mission school in Yokohama, where he was taught English, after which he entered preparatory school of the prestigious Gakushuin peer’s school, when he was 10 years old. After he graduated from the Gakushuin at age 19, he entered the Sapporo Agricultural College. After graduation and a mandatory short stint in the Imperial Japanese Army, Arishima took English lessons from Mary Elkinton Nitobe, Inazo Nitobe’s wife, and in July 1903, he obtained a position as a foreign correspondent in the United States for the Mainichi Shimbun. In the United States he enrolled at Haverford College and later Harvard University. Arishima first achieved fame in 1917 with The Descendents of Cain (カインの末裔 Kain no Matsuei). In 1919 he published his best-known work: A Certain Woman (或る女 Aru Onna). More

Beast in the Shadows

Authors: Rampo, Edogawa
Translated by: Bajarūnas, Romualdas
Translated from: Japanese
Published on: 1992

„Beast in the Shadows“  is written in the form of a first-person. It deals with a crime novelist who starts flirting with a married woman, only to find that she is being menaced by a figure out of her past. The story ostensibly pits two mysteries writers against each other. The narrator comes to the defense of a beautiful married woman who claims that a former lover is threatening her. That former lover is another acclaimed mystery writer who seemingly disappeared several months earlier. … More

Beast in the Shadows

Authors: Rampo, Edogawa
Translated by: Bajarūnas, Romualdas
Translated from: Japanese
Published on: 1992

“The monster in the dark – a very strong emotion gives Ranpo Edogawa’s work, which appeared in 1928. The novel is narrated in the first person, so it is easy to empathize with the main character\’s coat and imagine all the emotions in a much more realistic.

The novel tells the story of two writers of crime novels. The main character, is a lyrical self. As narrated in the first piece of a personal, he is a writer who loves to create simple, traditionally detective novels, and other Oe Siundey you as the author believes to be attributed to the type of criminals, because that his work is based on the offender inhuman logic. More

Žmogus – dėžė (The Box Man)

Authors: Abe, Kōbō
Translated by: Bajarūnas, Romualdas

The nature of identity itself is the ostensible subject of this bizarrely fascinating existential novel from the great Japanese fiction writer and dramatist Kobo Abe. In the story, a man decides to give up the self that he has been all his life to attain a state of blissful anonymity. He leaves his world behind and moves onto the streets of Tokyo. He puts a large box over his head, cuts a hole for his eyes. It is as strange as it sounds, but Abe’s light touch and narrative innovation makes it compelling.


Sisters of Hiroshima

Authors: Yamamoto, Mariko
Translated by: Bajarūnas, Romualdas
Translated from: Japanese
Published on: 1989

The morning of 6th of August, 1945 marked as the beginning of the week to the Japanese residents of Hiroshima. Some were getting ready for work while others enjoyed their summer holidays. The novel‘s main heroine, a middle schooler named Akiko, however, had to get ready for work in the factory. And while she was  having a chat with her sister downstairs, the sky was suddenly struck by intense light, followed by a silent gust of hot wind that many would remember to this day. A day that would More

Myths of Ancient China

Authors: Juan, Kė
Translated by: Vėlyvis, Jonas, Mikalionis, Vaclovas
Translated from: Russian
Published on: 1989, 1998

People have dreamed about having various supernatural powers since ancient times. One of those is the ability to fly and because of that, we have fairy tales about flying carpets and other similar fairy tales or myths, which include supernatural powers. However, myths are not just stories about people’s dreams.

Primitive people could not explain some certain forces of nature so they used to spiritualize them. Myths gave people strength they needed to overcome life difficulties and they inspired people to work. People used to create gods according to their own imagination and used myths to get  the work done. When society split into classes, rulers took myths and used them to scare people, make them obedient. More

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Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU