The Lord of the Demons of the Night

Translated by: Jasinevičius, Juozas
Translated from: Russian
} ?> Published on: 1970
This book contains extracts from four of the ancient Vietnamese fictional prose collections that appeared in between the 14th and 16th centuries. The oldest set is called “The collection of magic and secrets of the land of Viet”, created by Li Te Siuen, curator of the royal books warehouse in the beginning of the 14th century. In Vietnam, the only books that were written up until this time were simply chronicles about various royal dynasties. The names of the heroes, dates of the events, even landmarks were taken from ancient chronicles. Even the manner of describing the heroes’ accomplishments is somewhat ancient. Even the novels end in a fashion that is based on historical events. Every year of “Double prosperity”, twenty-first year of “Uprising and plentitude” are famous dates in the history of Vietnam, dates of glorious military achievements. More