She is a short opera \”Dviskaita\” (built in 2008) author of the libretto.
A. Biliūnaitės poetry \”Glazūruota pilnatis\” won the Lithuanian Writers Union Publishers \”Pirmosios knygos\” contest and was published in the book \”Miegantys sufleriai\” (2008 m.).
She translated the Nobel Prize winner Gao Xingjian\’s novel \”Spirit Mountain\” of modern Chinese language (2009 m., Published in 2011).
A. Biliūnaitė compiled and published a poetry almanac \”Poetry Spring 2006\” (with Dovile Zelciute 2006.) And the Poetry Spring 2007 (with Valdas Daskevicius, 2007.).
A. Biliūnaitė won the main prize of the Poetry Spring 2002. Was awarded the Poetry Spring 2005 night reading contest prize for the longest poem.
Bakalauras (Chinese language and culture studies, Taipei University, 2004–2005)
Bakalauras (Sinology, Vilnius University, 2000-2004)
Magistras (Cultural management and cultural policy, Vilnius Academy of Arts, 2005-2006, Worked as curator of exhibitions and symposiums, assistant director, for East cultural newspaper \"North Athens\" editor, Lithuanian Writers\' Union of international programs coordinator.)
Biography facts
2000: Graduated from Anyksciai Jonas Biliunas Gymnasium
2006-2007: Curated the Poetry Spring foreigners program of experimental audiovisual poetry festival \"Sintezija\", it is one of the literary culture platform www.rasytojai.lt initiators and administrators.
2007–2013: Worked at the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet theater producer, was event organizer.
2013–2015: Was the Republic of Lithuania Ministry of Education and Science of the Education Development Center of creative learning project \"creative partnership\" Developer Team leader.
2015-: Cultural Attache Lithuanian Embassy in the Chinese People\'s Republic
Achievements: 2012 Anykščiai - Lithuanian capital of culture ambassador.
Translated literature :
List of articles