Translated from: Russian
Authors: Kaiko, Takeshi
Translated by: Paraščiakas, Antanas
Full translated source bibliographical description:
Такэси Кайко «Горькое похмелье» M., «Прогресс», 1975.
Published in: Vilnius
Published on: 1977
Publisher: Vaga
A novel „Tough hangover“ by Takeshi Kaiko analizes Japanese state by the end of World War II. In the book, it tries to unveil Japanese nations spiritual shock after its capitulation and militaristic rezimes downfall. It shows arisen doubts about long lasting cultural traditions and future path choises of Japanese during those years. The author expresses its state through the main novels character. That is why it is possible to compare young boys doubts, distractions and experience with mid …XXth century Japanese nations state.
The book is made out of two chapters: „After battle“ and „In the evening“. In the firsts chapter the action takes place before Japan announces capitulation during the World War II. The main character was forced to drop out of school and work at the trainstation. Works alongside youth of the same destiny. Altough their group manages to hold the value of education and continue to study on their own. In the second chapter, it is shown the life of the main character after the war. Heroes materialization, cinical unconcernity for spiritual values and distractions between different jobs for better pay is revealed.
There are enough amount of characters in the book, tho they are unconstant, some of them appear while others dissapear. The main character is lost, sometimes feels lonely. The author shows his war psihosis affected soul. This state is portrayed through the characters psychological obesrvation, shocking understanding and ironizing situations. Every time the main character is surrounded by new aquaintances who affect him and his life directly and indirectly. The most meaningful effect is made by the women who were met at random jobs. These women makes a greater effect on the characters sexual life.
In the book, it is available to find customs, traditions and cultural aspects of Japan. Japanese daily lives are clearly showcased. In particular, other Japanese and foreign authors are distinguished. Some of their writtings are described as well as discoveries of epithets who have connections with those writtings are made. It is possible to find historical facts about Japan. Sometimes the author shares his memories about his past life and due to these, mind gaps appear.
The end of the novel can be interpreted simbolicaly. The main character whos age is of a student, escapes the hospital after finding out that he became a father which he is not prepared to be. By this the author tries to express the Japanese nations unprepareness for changes. The writting is finished at the childs birthday of 14th of July. This ending allows to understand somekind of important events clear breaking point.
Takeshi Kaiko (1930-1989) – a writer, novelist, essayist, literature critic. Born in Osaka, family of teachers. He belonged to post-war authors generation. Majority of his works were in form of a satyr, looked from the lowest society layer, heavily critisized post-war Japans indifference of spiritual values, militaristic rezimes mockings. He recieved Akutagawa, Kawabato and Mainichi book awards.