Asian studies in Lithuania
Original language: Japanese
Translated from: Japanese
Authors: Rampo, Edogawa
Translated by: Bajarūnas, Romualdas
ISBN: 5-7900-0780-2
Published in: Vilnius
Published on: 1992
Publisher: Vyturys

“The monster in the dark – a very strong emotion gives Ranpo Edogawa’s work, which appeared in 1928. The novel is narrated in the first person, so it is easy to empathize with the main character\’s coat and imagine all the emotions in a much more realistic.

The novel tells the story of two writers of crime novels. The main character, is a lyrical self. As narrated in the first piece of a personal, he is a writer who loves to create simple, traditionally detective novels, and other Oe Siundey you as the author believes to be attributed to the type of criminals, because that his work is based on the offender inhuman logic.

The action takes place around 1917 in Japan, where the main character takes the initiative to find one of the most famous writer of crime novels, Oe Shundei, also known as Ichiro Hirata, whose work is based on the logic of the perpetrator, and the author himself is totally morose and nobody actually seen. The main character, haunted by the fact that it is nothing of this famous author had not seen even during the writers\’ meetings could not be seen, so he took the initiative to look for Oe Shundei.

Rampo Edogawa’s novel takes on meaning when Oe Shundei starts threatening letters and the main character gets involved in an unusual criminal case which was killed Kojamada smokers, the matter becomes more and more interesting, because of its extremely high desire to find out the truth and its tendency to pay attention to even the smallest details. The main character in love Shizuka smokers murder case he gets even bigger mystery, but for him, it only becomes a greater challenge.

Edogawa\’s Ranpo was well-known Japanese author who became known for his critical remarks and crime novels. Rampo Edogawa\’s real name was Taro Hirai. Taro Hirai was born in 1894 in Mie, Japan.

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU