Asian studies in Lithuania
Original language: English
Translated from: English
Authors: Roy, Arundhati
Translated by: Žalytė, Danguolė
Full translated source bibliographical description:

Arundhati Roy. THE GOD OF SMALL THINGS. London: Harper Collins Publishers, 1997

ISBN: 9786090108888
Published in: Vilnius
Published on: 2013
Publisher: Alma littera

Arundhati Roy‘s romance „The God Of Small Things“ – colorful, dynamic and passionate dance of life. Its precious moment of dazzling, burning afternoon in Kerala was secretly caught in writer‘s mind and imprisoned in book sheets. The story intertwines everything: life and its insidious partner death, careless laughter of children and mumbling, unsatisfied elders, castes of intouchables and touchables. The professor of KTU claims that ‚India is an area where people face similar …problems as everyone else in the world‘.

Unsurprisingly, the romance tells about one Indian family and its mundane routinal stuggles where remembrances and hurts of past times of twins Rahel and Estha lies; where we meet Amu‘s (mother of twins) sinful love to twins‘ beloved intouchable Velutha and where unexpected, sudden death of twins‘ cousin from London happens. It‘s charming how peacefully, with no pain or hatred held within the story goes on despite the fact that family faced challenging, disastrous fate – it truly shows an amazingly solid character of human who fearlessly faced its deepest wounds of the past. However, life turns at a brighter side from time to time, too and it seems that divine splendor lies in those tiny details. The Small Things. The incredible storytelling of detail – oriented author pulls us into magical, glimmering vortex.

Only after reading a piece of the story suddenly there‘s an innocent smile on your face – you can feel yourself sitting in sun kissed verrandah or see the swinging waters of river Mynachalla. Playful changes of timing of story line between present and past as well as leitmotive phrases make a promise that something life changing is about to happen very soon – the disorganized area of romance starts getting shape and frames in the story like an expensive painting, surprising each of us, readers with new, yet familiar, perspective. Mesmerizing colors, magical sounds and attractive smells; wonders of everyday life and routine, endless love and boundless, destructive hatred for oneself as well as fate – that‘s life of Kerala‘s people. This story alters the state of mind and evokes part of one‘s imagination never acknowledged before. There‘s one thing for sure – after reading ‚The God Of Small Things‘, you can never be the same as you will finally find out that life is full of infinite things we haven‘t been aware of before.

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU