Asian studies in Lithuania
Original language: Japanese
Translated from: English
Authors: Ogava, Pimei
Translated by: Ališauskas, Arvydas
ISBN: 09000193956-0
Published in: Vilnius
Published on: 1971
Publisher: Vaga

Japanese fables collection called „Wild Roses“ – is a great way to have a look at Japanese culture, analyze the folk moral values and life wisdom. The fables – a specific genre that is easy to read and that lets the reader to be acquainted with Japanese mythology and other fantastic things.

In this collection there are plenty of instructive stories. These stories have a concealed moral that teaches the reader to be more honest and sincere. It also makes you think about moral values, what are we doing wrong and what could we do to better ourselves. These fables often show that bad characters won’t be unpunished, and good characters, although suffering from many failures will achieve his goal and become happy.

In the fables mythological creatures are no strangers. Characters can vary from a normal human being to a mermaid. It is no mystery that Japanese mythology is very deep and it’s usage in this book gives the author a chance to show a very colorful and fantastic East Asian world. The book is illustrated with impressive illustrations done by the artist Takeshi Motai. The illustrations help deepen yourself into the fable.

Although the book is meant for middle school age kids, if an adult read this book, he would remember a lot of already forgotten values. Because a lot of times, while growing up we forget even the smallest things that makes us human. Japanese fables collection “Wild Roses” is undoubtedly a book which can help remember a lot of things our parents taught us while we were little. In my opinion this book is suitable for the readers of different age. The book gives you a unique opportunity to be acquainted with Japanese fables and it helps to remember even the simplest moral values.

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU