Asian studies in Lithuania
Original language: Japanese
Translated from: English
Authors: Suzuki, Koji
Translated by: Olekaitė, Vytautė
Full translated source bibliographical description:

Koji Suzuki. Loop. New York: Vertical, Inc., 2005.

ISBN: 9955-700-10-6
Published in: Kaunas
Published on: 2007
Publisher: Obuolys

This is the third book of the famous “Ring” trilogy by the Japanese horror literature master K. Suzuki. Striking metaphysical thriller where everything is not as it seems at first glance.

The story revolves around Futami Kaoru – medical student. His father Hideyuki is diagnosed with metastatic cancer virus. This new virus appeared has no medicine and even leaves people with no hope to cure from it. After it is operated from one single organ it jumps right to the next one, until the person dies. This way twenty year old Kaoru has become the head of the family and matured ahead of time. His wanted study program and the desired family trip to New Mexico deserts were put aside.

While nursing his father he meets Reiko and her son Ryoji. Reiko is 15 years older than Kaoru. Later, she asks him to be her son’s, who also suffers MV tutors, tutor. Kaoru agree with this proposal because he falls in love with Reiko. Hideyuki also asks him to inquire about his past work titled “Loop”. There he learns that the “Loop” is associated with metastatic virus. All events seem to be bizarrely connected and lead to one destination the New Mexico desert. The place, which Kaoru at an early age had planned to visit.

Under the pressure of the surrounding loved ones to use his brilliant mind, to venture there and look for a way to cure MV Kaoru all things considered, and knowing what responsibility of the failure is of the purpose of the search, he sets out to find the answers to the questions that haunts him. That’s how knowing of the true “Loop” project, metastatic cancer and the real search for truth begin.

Suzuki is a well-known and loved for his horror novel “Ring.” However, the “Loop” has least horror elements in comparison with the first two books. This book, by many readers is considered the best or either the worst from the “Ring” trilogy. In this book, the origin of the virus is not attempted to be explained by the paranormal side of things, but rather is explained scientifically. This takes away most of the horror elements in comparison with the first few books. Nevertheless, the author Koji Suzuki has said that \”Loop\” is his favorite book of the “Ring” series. It also is the only one, which has not been made into a film.

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU