Translated from: English
Authors: Hosseini, Khaled
Translated by: Čeponis, Jonas
Full translated source bibliographical description:
Khaledb Hosseini, AND THE MOUNTAINS ECHOED, New York, Riverhead Books, 2013.
ISBN: 9789955134015
Published in: Vilnius
Published on: 2013
Publisher: Jotema
Khaled Hosseini is Afghan-born American well-known novelist who created a lot of novels in which the most famous are “The Kite Runner”, “A Thousand Splendid Suns” and also “And the Mountains Echoed”. “A Thousand Splendid Suns” and “And the Mountains Echoed” are novels which explore Afghanistan culture and history. However, the And the Mountains Echoed is the most emotional and attractive one. This creation is like a long journey through people‘s personal experiences, losses, dramas. Although the goal of this journey is not truly visible, but it is perceptible: it is important to understand any decision‘s meaning, to understand that this kind of action is important not only for you, but also for others despite of being thousand miles away and to understand that any decision can influence others generations too.
Besides, family being is like the most significant part of people‘s life. Love also is taken into consideration. According to the author, incentive to write this book was the story about the girl who has been sold by her family. So, the novel begins: in 1952 a little girl Pari with her older brother Abdullah are living in one of Afghanistan families without mother, but with their father and his wife. To Abdullah Pari is his only treasure and Pari him loves very much. However, the destiny separates them: Pari is sold to the childless family. Eventually, she forgets her family and begins a new life with other people. From the first, Abdullah do not forget her, the memories about her become his strength, however, after a long time his memories about her are getting darker and darker… it has some reasons… And one day Pari step by step understands that she lives not her life, understands that her family is not here. But is too late… Thus, the novel combines together both the time and the space: telling this dramatic story jointly travelling from 20 century till now. Also the action is transported from Afghanistan to France, Greek and USA.
Although in the novel there no heroes, the novel consists of a lot of stories which are related to each other and the essence of this relations is decisions. So, this kind of reading lets readers to understand the novel deeper. Thus, And the Mountains Echoed is a wonderful creation which can touch you emotionally and also can give same answers to questions related to existence.