Asian studies in Lithuania
Original language: Japanese
Translated from: Japanese
Authors: Takahashi, Yasukuni, Kita, Morio, Hoshi, Shinnichi, Mitsuse, Ryū, Komatsu, Sakio
Translated by: Ambrasas, Kazys
Full translated source bibliographical description:

Bремена Хокусая. Москва: "Мир", 1967

ISBN: 9627888885
Published in: Vilnius
Published on: 1969
Publisher: Vaizdo

Authors in the book “Hokusai Times” are writing about a variety of different Japanese fiction stories. The book is not only one single story, the book is rich and full of many different fantastic adventures. The stories hold and reflect  Japanese cultural manifestations, and most stories of the book – different author’s imagination.

While reading the book we can notice many different types of stories, from love stories, comedies to criminal stories. The book itself is interesting and attractive, especially for fiction fanatics. The book is dominated by stories about cosmos, space, planets, time machines. Every story is unique, written by detail and requires focus to understand.

For instance, the story “Heroes return” says about nine astronauts expedition to space which gone wrong, when one of the astronauts did not come back with the crew. During the story wife of the victim is solving the riddle of why her husband was the one who did not come back. The other story “Time machine” says about  psychiatric patient and his doctor and how they invented a time machine, and tried to become rich while travelling backwards throughout time. To shortly sum up, the stories are fascinating and help to get to know Japanese culture more.

In the book you can detect a lot of cultural manifestations: Buzzing Tokyo lifestyle, specific meal tickets, often displayed in the movies – fisherman\’s with straw hat portrait, Japanese names (Kida, Fuke, Akira, Hira, etc.).  These elements arouse reader\’s curiosity and help to engage reading the stories. The book itself has no illustrations of pictures, however picturesque adjectives and expressions compensate the lack of visual content.
All in all, this book is a perfect choice for fiction lovers and for those who want to experience the taste of oriental literature.

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU