Translated from: English
Authors: Yamamoto Tsunetomo
Translated by: Ruzgys, Linas
Full translated source bibliographical description:
Yamamoto, Tsunetomo. "Hagakure Kikigaki"
ISBN: 9955-9725-7-2
Published in: Kaunas
Published on: 2006
Publisher: Obuolys
“Above all, the Way of the Samurai should be in being aware that you do not know what is going to happen next, and in querying every item day and night. Victory and defeat are matters of the temporary force of circumstances.” Yamamoto Tsunetomo with these words describes elite seventeenth century Japanese warrior life line, the way of the samurai in the book – “Hagakure. The Secret Book of the Samurai”.
“Hagakure” or “Leaves in the shade” is not an educational introduction, a set of ideas or instructions on how to live. This book is a Japanese philosophy line of thought, which lasted for centuries. In formation of the summing-up of the rising sun warriors – Samurai Code of Conduct. Copyright the aggregated records can be found not only in the short anecdotes, but the age of the samurai life reflections that give insight and highlights – loyalty, dedication and determination, as the main core and the noble human values, but also provides valuable tips on how to do the right thing in a given situation.
The book also reveals the mindset of the Far East culture: the trust in people around you, understanding the determination as concept, the life line assimilation as “The Way” which as an idea found in the entire piece. “The Way” can be called as training tracking fostering original ideas or direction of a person’s life choices, praising it as a realization of your being as a living human in the material world.
Tsunetomo Yamamoto (1659-1719) – the seventeenth century samurai who lived his life spending his late seven years hermitage, on the island of Kyushu. He appointed aphorisms and stories in the collection, to record the next generations. Until the twentieth century “Hagakure” was considered a secret book, which was taught only to soldiers, but now it can be accessed by all seeking oriental wisdom, beliefs in human honor and devotion, and wanting to find true warrior spirit.
The book is geared towards the educated, modern urban man who has formed his financial wellbeing and in search of spiritual nourishment. To the journey to harmony of spirit and body, this set is an invaluable companion and guide, the best friend and counselor development along the way. Accumulated experience and oriental Buddhism inspired by ancient values brings new colors to the twenty-first centuryo gray worn-out routine of everyday life. “Hagakure” will find themselves samurai today the global high-tech society.
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