Asian studies in Lithuania
Original language: Chinese
Translated from: English
Authors: Chang, Eileen
Translated by: Pometko, Agnė
Full translated source bibliographical description:

Chang, Eileen. Sè, Jiè, Shanghai, 1979.

ISBN: 978-9955-700-47-0
Published in: Kaunas
Published on: 2007
Publisher: Obuolys

The novel is written about the love which is stronger than political and social ideas. Writings action takes place in Hongkong when it was occupied by the Japanese in the 1941. Here tragically and unexpectedly the destiny of two people tangled. A used to be young student girl named Wang Chachi actively participates in resistance movement in China and a man named Mr. Y, a powerful political character who works at occupied Japanese government. These heroes got mixed into a complicated and …mysterious game where the weapon is their love and lust.

From the start the book looks like cleanly organized tale about spies but the uniqueness of the novel comes from action passing really quick. Hard to even notice how the actions place changes from coffee shop to the ascension to the office of a jewelcrafter whose visit was planned as well as time, from books beginning to the stunning final. That is how the impression of unknownness and intrigue is made. On the other hand fast changes slowly reveal heroes characteristics and their relations which are not that easy to comprehend. Main novel heroes are in love which is understood by the lowly chat on the phone made out of few lines. The reader also has to try to understand and feel whole writings miracle because there are characters that are hardly mentioned and their bonds are quickly thrown to the side.

Lust, Caution is a book about relationship between political abstraction and humane emotions reality. Human emotions in the end scale down the mind and political principles. Chachi suicidal decision and how Mr. Y accounted gives charming originality to the novel and lets you understand that not everything is so romantic and beautiful.

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU