Translated from: English
Authors: Rushdie, Salman
Translated by: Žalytė, Danguolė
Full translated source bibliographical description:
Salmman Rushdie, The Enchantress of Florence.
Published in: Vilnius
Published on: 2008
Publisher: Alma littera
According to author “The Enchantress of Florence “is his most researched book which required “years and years of reading“. This is a story about three best friends who lived in Florence in the age of Lorenzo de’ Medici and a story of Akbar, greatest of the Mughal emperors. Both of these stories are connected by a mysterious young men, who has several names, knows many languages and all his life has been traveling around the world. This young man came to Mughal Empire to reveal the most import secret of his life. He introduced himself as Mogor dell’Amore and claim that he is a long lost relative of Akbar and his mother is Princess Qara Koz.
All the event which happened around one hundred years ago is a prehistory of the big secret, which was brought throughout the world to tell it to Akbar by the mysterious man. However it was very difficult for Mogor dell’Amore to be heard by emperor and he was doing all his best to not go back from Mughal Empire empty handed.
A story that Mogor dell’Amore was telling to emperor is taking place in Florence where three best friends Niccolò Machiavelli, Ago Vespucci and Antonino Argalia starts to know each other. Unfortunately, one day Argalia’s parents passed away and he decided to go somewhere far from Florence. That was one of the saddest moments of their life. Years passed and friends started to forget Argalia when suddenly he came back but not alone he brought the most beautiful woman in the world. And he didn’t know that the woman he loves will ruin all the peaceful life of his friends and Florence citizens.
Salman Rushdie is British Indian novelist and essayist. His novel “The Satanic Verses “was the centre of a major controversy, provoking protests from Muslims in several countries. Death threat was made against him by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the Supreme Leader of Iran. Nowadays Rushdie peacefully lives in New York.