Translated from: Armenian
Authors: Galshoian, Musheg
Translated by: Kudriavcevas, Mykolas
Full translated source bibliographical description:
Musheg Galshoian, Yerevan: Hajastan, 1969
ISBN: 090 00194465-6
Published in: Vilnius
Published on: (Lietuvių) 1977
Publisher: Vaga
The story is about Armenian Dzori Miro‘s life. Story is written using stream of consciousness and it is also autobiographical. Dzori Miro reminds the writer‘s father, emigrant from West Armenia who left his native land during the Armenians‘ carnage in Turkey. He moved to East Armenia, where at that time Soviets were.
The action of the story from present moves to past, to memories of Dzori Miro. It allows us understand that story line is consistent and the hopping from one memory to another is not on purpose, it is just written using stream of consciousness. Time at the story is when Armenia belongs to Soviets, and the story starts when Miro leads his son to the Second World War. While travelling with his son Harut to Yerevan , Miro is all the time concerned. Even from not very important talks with his son or driver Aro, Miro is full of memories. He starts to remember his childhood, his grandfather Harut, the person who always was an example to him. Miro also remembered his lovely wife and the mother of his son Harut – Chanduta and of course he remembered his native land – the place which doesn’t exist anymore.
Miro leads his son to the war, so while going to Yerevan he tries to give his son all his wisdom. He orders his son to shoot his enemy straight to his head and not to make fun of person’s life even during the war. However, Miro allows his son to lie to the enemy because lies can save his and his friends’ lives. Father gives these advices to the son of his own experience. Miro remembered his painful past, the time when he was living in his native village and when he was taken to the captivity of Turks. Then he was lucky and came back home alive, but he made one of the Turks really curious about his release from the prison. The meeting with the Turk called Osman left the most painful memories to Miro. He had to kill this Turk if he wanted to safe his families’ and his life and this experience made a huge influence to him.
The book is full of descriptions of nature and character’s visited places. It helps the reader to empathise the story. What is more, descriptions of nature impart the feelings of characters, Miro’s experiences and thoughts while raining or snowing. The story allows us to understand that the most important thing for human is family and Miro shows us that also using his memories and advices to his son.
Musheg Galshoian (1933) is an Armenian writer, who was born in the peasant’s family of East Armenia. He graduated Agricultural Institute of the Yerevan, but his heart belonged to the literature. “Dzori Miro” was the first bigger story of the writer and was released in the 1969. The story for critics seem to be interesting and there is even a movie about this story. Till now this writer had wrote a lot of stories and few romans, but “Dzori Miro“ is the first this author‘s work which has been translated into Lithuanian language.