Asian studies in Lithuania
Original language: Korean
Translated from: Russian
Authors: Kim Manjun
Translated by: Montvilienė, Dalia
Published in: Vilnius
Published on: 1977
Publisher: Vaga

“The Cloud Dream of the Nine” is a novel by the famous Korean writer Kim Man Jung. It is a love and life story of 8 fairies and the monk. They have broken the rules and were thrown away from heaven and sent to the diferent parts of Earth. Later they realated their destinies together. Fairies became beautiful girls and tempted the young man Yo Su (the ex monk). They also became wives and concubines of So Yu. What is more, the youngman married the daughter of the emperor. So Yu turned into the minister, grown as a respectful person. After returning to the teacher, So Yu and fairies sit down and started to learn the Buddha.

An existence of human is understood as one short dream. The author does not avoid moments of fantasy, mythology. This novel is realated with science of the Budha as well. Furthermore, Kim Man Jung shows personal love and worth as great values. In addition, he destroys traditional standarts of behaviour, shows love as fresh feeling of the human being.

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU