Asian studies in Lithuania
Original language: English
Translated from: English
Authors: Kiew Kit, Wong
Translated by: Kuzas, Rimvydas
Full translated source bibliographical description:

Wong Kiew Kit. The Art of Chi Kung: Making the Most of Your Vital Energy, Cosmos, 2014.

ISBN: 978-609-403-879-2
Published in: Kaunas
Published on: 2015
Publisher: Apple

“Qigun” – it is Wong Kiew Kit book about vital energy, how to improve health, develop internal power and train your mind. Energy in Chinese language is called chi. Chi – is energy, which allows us to walk, to speak, to work, to imagine and a lot of other actions. Of course, we get chi from air or food, not only from cigun practice, but with practice we can get more energy. Cigun is experimental, not only intellectual discipline. It is not enough to read and understand what is cigun, but if …you want to appreciate and use that art, you need to do some practice. Cigun isn’t a religion, so everyone can practice that art. This will not affect your religious convictions and it will not force to be religious if you don’t believe in god.

In this book are a lot of explanations about chi flow in our body. Also, we can find chi flow paths, which are called meridians. There are two types of meridians: big ones are called channels and others – branches. Moreover, in this book are some stories about master, who transmit his own energy at a distance to help people, who are to far from him. Of course, it is some examples how chi helps to cure diseases, for example, Lau suffered from rheumatic pain several years, but after cigun therapy his pain disappeared. Also, cigun master cures a teenager, who had asthma. After few months he was healthy and no one understands how it can be possible, especially doctors. This book are for everyone, who want to know more about cigun, chi flow in our body and the results to health.

Wong Kiew Kit (1944), is better known as Sifu Wong, is Jiang Nano fourth generation successor, kung fu and cigun grandmaster. In 1977 year he got “cigun master of the year“ award. Wong spend more time on cigun, not on kung fu, because he believes that kung fu is just a hobby for these days, but cigun is public requirement, which helps people to feel better and to cure diseases.

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU