Asian studies in Lithuania
Original language: Japanese
Translated from: Japanese
Authors: Murakami, Haruki
Translated by: Susnytė, Ieva
Full translated source bibliographical description:

Murakami, Haruki. Ichi-kyu-hachi-yon. Book 2. 7gatsu-9gatsu. Tokyo: Shinchosha, 2009.

ISBN: 978-9955-23-460-9
Published in: Vilnius
Published on: 2011
Publisher: Baltos lankos

In the second part of trilogy the theme of George Orwell’s novels’ ‘1984’ still remains. Have you ever felt that someone is watching you? The Big brother or rather the Little people? The trilogy includes themes such as death, religion, history, violence, family and love.

In the second book the destinies of characters intertwines more and more becoming more realistic and complicated. Every new page of book is accompanied by impatience.

In the novel appears more questions than there are answers to them. Also, the action becomes more complicated. There appear important questions like – will everything in a third book become clear? Will Aomame and Tengo meet each other? Will they escape the mystic world of 1Q84 and will something other escape with them? Is there a happy ending for the protagonists?

1Q84 second book continues the story of Aomame and Tengo. On the one hand, the first book was like an introduction of characters to the readers, on the other hand, the second book tells to the reader more about protagonists – the unrecognized novelist Tengo and a serial killer Aomames – pasts.

Also, the second book reveals the meaning of the two moons. We can state that the second (strange) moon represents the two protagonists, since both, Tengo and Aomame had some similarities in their past. Moreover, the secret behind Tengo family bit by bit being explained.

Fuka-Eri herself is shown like a know it all but at the same time obligated to remain silent, like someone who cannot ask for a help.

The novel digs deeper in to an Air Chrysalis story and the Little people. This allows to appear for the new unknown – Japanese science and art group. What is this group? What does it want form Tengo and from where does it know the secret behind the Air Chrysalis?

Parallel to Tengo story, Aomame meets the Leader whose confession makes her confused. Little by little the protagonist starts changing – her coldness and isolation from emotions shell starts to break. What is waiting for her from now on?

H. Murakami is undoubtedly one of the best alive Japanese novelists. His creations are interpreted differently: some of them are more similar to fantasy mythology creations while others are more like novels. The writing style is compared with Kobo Abe’s, J. L. Borges’s, G. G. Marquez’s K. Vonnegut’s texts. Haruki Murakami stories stand out musically, his novels are favored by film makers, and the writer himself is called David Lynch of Japanese literature.

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU